Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019

group 2

1.      Provide in your own word with one example in each case the definition of the following word in an educational context:
        i.            Traditional media encompasses many types of advertising and ways to reach consumers. It does not, however, include new media like using social media and the internet. Traditional and new media are both great ways to reach consumers and both have their advantages. for examples Newspapers and magazines Static web content TV/Radio Print advertising Direct mail.
      ii.            Modern media are forms of media that are native to computers, computational and relying on computers for redistribution. Some examples of new media are telephones, computers, virtual worlds, single media, website games, human-computer interface, computer animation and interactive computer installations.
    iii.            Educational media are aids used in teaching and learning, for example television, computers, in-focus, etc.
    iv.            Hardware is a physical part of computer system or electronic device. Hardware, we can touch and feel. Hardware is only one part of a computer system.
      v.            Technology is science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools. For example when we are going to presentation infront of class we are use ppt and to show oir ppt we use the technology namely in-focus.
    vi.            Software is a media which is a program or data which is under the control of a computer. for example film screenings in learning.
  vii.            Interactive media is a multimedia-based tool that describes an information from teacher to student to facilitate the learning process. for example presenting content such as text, moving images, animation, video, audio and video games.
viii.            Educational technology is a teaching-learning process that uses systems from technology and media. for example the use of all books for learning materials and films or video.
    ix.            Educational media is all things used by a teacher in teaching where the conclusion is out of verbal explanation so as to change their behavior and attitude. for example such as printed or non-printed, project or non-project and traditional or modern.
2.      Differentiate the following concepts relation to EMT, where possible give an example in each case:
           i.            Multimedia presentation from multi image presentation.
·         Multimedia presentation = the media arranged in singles material being taught in the session or can be in a combination of various media emaniting from a single presentation source. Eg: VCD material, slide, and film strips OHP and transparencies.
·         Multi image media: these are 2 or more pictures that are projected or presented simultaneously onvone or more screen. Eg: projection of image using the sound film projector and slide film projector
         ii.            Informational media from instructional media
·         Informational media: this media aimed at giving information without an opportunity of interaction. Eg. Tv, newspaper, book . Etc.
·         Instructional media: this media intended to change a learner's behavior in a classroom setting and the learners can interact with them. Eg. Photos, models, projectors, and regalia.
       iii.            Traditional media and modern media
·         Traditional Media can be explained as TV, radio, direct mail, billboards, etc. It is an “push” strategy, meaning the message is being output by the business. It is a one-way, direct message that can be costly, yet instantly impactful. Traditional media is gauged by short-term results.
·         New Media can be explained as social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), blogs, etc. It is a “pull” strategy, meaning it is conversational between consumer and business. It is interactive and inexpensive to campaign, and it can yield measurable progress. New media is gauged by long-term results.
       iv.            Technology in education from technology of education
·         Technology of education is the incorporation of IT into the realm of classroom.Technology of education deals with systematic application of the resources of scientific knowledge of the processes of learning that each individual has to pass through in order to acquire and use knowledge.
·         Technology in education refers to the use of technological hardware in education.Technology in education is not limited to making use of technology to make learning and imparting of education easier in all possible ways but also a field of study in itself for those who are involved with developing technological tools for educational purposes. It is a much broader area that technology of education.
3.      educational media are "software" and / or "hardware" devices that function as learning tools and learning aids.
            Educational technology is defined as a medium that was born from the communication technology revolution that can be used for teaching purposes in addition to teachers, books, ideas, tools and organizations that are studied systematically, logically and scientifically.
            Educational technology can be associated with a way or strategy that is owned by a teacher in the learning process both using the media in the classroom or or other ways so that learning becomes easily absorbed by the students.
            The role of educational technology Educational technology is very beneficial for humans in education. In educational technology will involve procedures, ideas, equipment and organisms to analyze educational problems, look for problem solving, carry out evaluations and manage problem solving that involves all aspects of learning in education.
5.      Discus five principle functions of educational technology so as to improve the overall efficiency of teaching–learning process in classrooms.
  There are five functions of educational technology such as:
1)      As a means of scientific and objective teaching materials.
2)      As a means of motivating learners who have low enthusiasm for learning.
3)      As a means to help students present what they know
4)      As a means to improve the effectiveness of learning.
5)      As a means to facilitate the delivery of material

7.      Describe the development in EMT from the earliest times up to the present. Get more examples concerning EMT?
      The development of EMT can be followed in many previous years, but it is unpredictable about what exact time. EMT has experienced progressive changes since the 14th century. In the early 17th century manuscripts on technology have also been discovered. It has also been marked by the introduction of textbooks as well. The other period is between the first 20 years of that period, technology in teaching and learning has been held followed by the development of printing arts. In the past 35 years, curriculum and teaching hardware was introduced. The existence of slide / film projectors, computers and radios present in the learning and teaching process. Between 1955 and 1990 software was developed.
            The year 1971 can be said as the initial milestone in the use of computerized technology for the education sector. That year, a game program called The Oregon Trail appeared, created by Don Rawitsch, Bill Heinemann, and Paul Dillenberger. The era of the 1990s became the point of development of edutech at a more established step. Because digital technology advances more rapidly.
            That makes many teachers increasingly feel the benefits of using technology during the teaching and learning process. All these developments led to the development of new edutech products which experienced rapid development in the 2000s. Until now, education today uses technology to a more sophisticated level with many inventions such as laptops, computers, web cameras and so on which are ICT based EMTs. The example is the using of projector, infocus, video animation, film and so on.
8.      Multimedia is most recommended for any effective teaching, how do you define multimedia and what merits do you have in the teaching – learning process involving such media?
            Multimedia refers to communication of more than one media type such as that involving text, audio, graphics, animated graphics and full-motion video. Teaching by using animation and video/film. We can make animation as unique as we can hoping that the students will not get bored during the learning process. Besides, teacher must be creative to create such as interesting way while teaching in the class.

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