Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Indah Karina - 1788203064


            There are many actions that people can and can not accept in this life, many actions are not acceptable if it is harm someone’s life such as bullying. Think twice before you bullying someone, many times when a kid tease or making fun of their friend people might think it is an okay action or it is a habitual that children normally do. However, those action are not acceptable especially in the young age, because it is bullying. Being a victim of bullying can have a negative impacts in children’s psychology.  
            The most violent effect of bullying in children psychology is depression. Victims in bullying had significantly higher chances for depression. According to an article “Bullying Behaviour and Associations with Psychosomatic Complaints and Depression Victims” by Minne Fekkes, MSc, Frans I.M. Pijpers,MD,PHD and S.Pauline Verloove Vannhorick, MD, PHD, University of Sydney conducted a sample that show rations from 2766 elementary school, children age 9 to 12 years were follows : haeadache 3.0, sleeping problem 2.4, abdominal pain  3.2, bed wetting 2.9, feeling tired 3.4 and depression 7.7. This data prove that bullying must be stop because it is definitely harm for children’s psychology and it caused depression which is not a good aspect for children when they are still growing up.
            Victims in bullying often experiencing anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is a health disorder that causes sufferers to experience excessive difficulties that involve fear and worry about difficulties in everyday life. Anxiety is also a long term effects of bullying. According to the data from a researcher Lucy Bowes in “Sibling Bullying and Risk of Depression, Anxiety and Self-Harm” vol 134 issue 4 shows that a longitudinal study using data from more than 6900 participants of a UK community based birth cohort (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) who reported on at 12 years old  siblings bullied and anxiety has OR (oods ratio) 1.83 ; 95% and CI (confidence Interval) 1.19 -2.81 and P < 001. The data shows clearly that anxiety taking place seriously in children psychology when they become a bullying victims.
            Other adverse effects that should not be underestimated is traumatic to the bullying victims. The American Psychiatry Association’s (Stephen Joseph, Ph.D) current definition posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) introduced in 1994, states that a person must have experienced or witnessed an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others, and which involved fear, helplessness, or horror. The PTSD data by a researcher from University of Bergen, Morten Birkeland Nielsen  conducted that at an average 57% of victims reported symptoms of PTSD above thresholds for case ness and a correlation of 42 (95% CI : 36-48 ; P <001) was found between bullying and overall symptom-score of PTSD. Traumatic also can be a long-term effect in children psychology and it might caused children a bad way in making an actions.
            There are none aspects  of bullying that give benefit in children’s psychology. Bullying has nothing to do with their good life. In the other hand, bullying caused children lots of unacceptable things that they do not need as a children and as a growing personality. Children’s life must be way more safe and comfortable without actions of bullying. And society without bullying is a safe place for children to keep the healthiness of their psychology .Those are the reasons why bullying has to be stopped in the first place.

Almira Hadita - 1788203045


Bullying is the use of violence, threats, or coercion to abuse or intimidates others. Bullying treatment is increasingly prevalent. This disrespectful act is not only in school. Yes, bullying also occurs in work environments and even families. As a result, it cannot be underestimated, starting from children who do not want to go to school, leading to unexpected deaths. So why do people do bullying? What caused it? 

The low involvement and attention of parents to children makes children like to look for attention in the surrounding environment. According to Child & Adolescent Crime Observer, Lia Sutisna Latif, M.Psi., Psi., CGI "Children do bullying when a child lacks attention and communicates with his parents less, making him feel he is not psychologically cared for". School counselors or psychologists play a role as a mediator and provide psychological treatment of the victim, such as feeling afraid of the perpetrator. This is very important to note for those of you who will become parents to always pay attention to the child by giving sufficient attention. 

According to Dariyo (2004) Psychology Development and Education, parenting is a way of attitudes or behavior of parents when interacting with children, including teaching values/norms, giving attention and affection and showing good attitudes and behavior so that they become role models for their children. The results of the research by Carney & Merell (2001, in Smokowski & Kopaz, 2005), that most of the respondents involved in caring with authoritarian parenting, that is not responsive to the rights and needs of children, and sometimes abusive to their children or acting rude. 

According to Fakih M (2003) quoted by Widiastuti, violence against children is a form of painful physical or emotional treatment, sexual abuse, negligence that results in real or potential injury to children's health, child survival, or the dignity of the child, in the context of the relationship of responsibility , trust, or power. Handling that can be done with cognitive therapy. A therapy that can help stop negative thoughts and help fight them, this therapy aims to turn negative thoughts into positive ones and help control oneself. 

So the conclusion of bullying is an act where someone tries to hurt others by violence. In general, people do bullying because they feel less parental attention to children, wrong parenting parents to children, and become victims of violence in their parents' households. Prevention of bullying can be started from parents by teaching emotional intelligence from an early age, and counseling and therapy to prevent bullying.

Mathilda Sumbayak (1788203016)

Influences Intimidation in Psychology (depression)

Bullying occurs if someone or a group of people disturbs or threatens a person's safety and health both physically and psychologically, threatens a person's property, reputation or social acceptance and is carried out repeatedly and continuously or influences intimidation in psychology (depression).The forms of bullying also vary, ranging from mocking, insulting and even hitting. Even the three types of bullying can be combined into one activity.

The first,bullies victims can also cause a result of prolonged depression.the prolonged effect of bullying, it is important not only to prevent but help victims to develop appropriate coping mechanisms.The relationship between parents and children at home, for example, can be very important to minimize the consequences of prolonged bullying experienced, and dealing with bullying cases early can also limit deep psychological damage.Base on the article "The impact of bullying on children is difficult to lose". effect for student for example A study conducted earlier by researchers from Warwick University, tracking more than 1,400 people between the ages of nine and 26 years and found that bullying has negative consequences for health, job prospects and relationships.

The Second,survey due to bullying, the risk of depression to suicide. The survey conducted by the National Institute of Occupational Health states that bullying is the most often forgotten cause of suicide. The reason, bullying can trigger depression, mental disorders that are closely related to suicidal tendencies. Based on article "Trauma due to bullying, the risk of depression to suicide".for example bullying can cause suicide because victims feel isolated.This research was conducted on 1,850 participants. In general, 4.2 to 4.6 percent of participants claimed to have experienced bullying. Of the participants who had experienced bullying, around 3.9 to 4.9 percent had a desire to commit suicide. Victims who feel excluded eventually experience depression and choose suicide as a way out of their current situation.

And the last,psychological the victims who were persecuted through social media.According to psychologist Dr. MM Nilam Widyarini, MSi, cyberbullying is an act of intimidation, abuse or intentional harassment through the Internet that is often experienced by children and adolescents. To avoid this, the role of parents is needed.The Ditch the Label anti-bullying agency reports acts of cyber intimidation are most common on Instagram. Based on the survey, the comment column is used as the main tool for carrying out abuse.Besides Instagram, Facebook is also often used as a medium to attack someone or a group.

Therefore,it can be concluded that the characteristics of students is that physical appearance no longer interferes with activities in the campus, begins to have high intellectuality and mature thinking intelligence for the future, has the emotional freedom to have relationships and determine his personality. Students also want to improve their achievements in the campus, have responsibility and independence in completing college assignments, and start thinking about values and norms in the campus environment and in the community where they are located.and social media also has a big influence on the psychological bullying.

Sri wahyuni ( 1788203018)

The Impact of Bullying Behavior

Bullying behavior is a topic that  currently happened, not only in Indonesia but also in other countries. And most of the perpetrators are students. This behavior certainly has an impact not only for the victims but also for the perpetrators. As well as having serious short-term and long-term consequences for victims and perpetrators. The impacts that have been caused by victims and perpetrators include:
First , when the victims of bullying are in the school environment, according to Lodge & Frydenberg, (2005: 330) wrote, "The victims will experience a concentration disruption in learning, a decrease in academic performance and try to skip school, to prevent bullying. And absent from certain class-specific school activities" . This is certainly very bad for the education of victims. Whereas Collins, McAleavy & Adamson, (2004: 56) wrote,"The victims will feel insecure, increase anxiety, and experience depression. As a result, it is not uncommon for victims to commit suicide".
Furthermore, if the victim of bullying at home, they will bring their frustration at home from the school and attack their parents.  However, it is likely that parents are not aware of the victimization of their children in school. As a result, family relations tend to deteriorate (Whitted & Dupper, 2005: 167; Selekman & Vessey, 2004: 247).
Not only for victims but bullying actors are also at risk of experiencing social problems and emotional problems. Lodge & Frydenberg, (2005: 330) Smokowski & Kopasz, (2005: 103) wrote," The oppression carried out among elementary school-age children will result in more violent behavior in the future". .And then, Perpetrators also tend to be attracted to other aggressive children and are involved in a group, which is another group of naughty children. As a result, perpetrators are not infrequently ended in the criminal justice system (Whitted & Dupper, 2005: 167; Selekman & Vessey, 2004: 247; Ma et al., 2003: 251; Piskin, 2002: 558).

As explained above, there are many adverse effects caused by the behavior of bullying, which not only affects the victims but also the perpetrators. Because of that,  parents must prevent these behaviors. And more attention to the behavior of children who are around us. Do not let them become victims or perpetrators of bullying.

Novia Sariahta Silalahi - 1788203020


Bullying is an action or reaction that is intimidating or harming a person, whereas according to Olweus (2005) bullying is a behavior that is repeated to a weaker victim. In modern times bullying had seemed to be a habit or usual things everyone including children at schools on bullying acts essentially raises bad effect for the victims. Even for a country, Indonesia ranks second highest bullying cases after Japan. Bullying and therefore must be stopped Because Because it would have negative impacts on students.
The first of all is causes a feeling of lack of student confidence. Self-confidence is an important component in human life, including students, and may also determine the fate of the next student life. The confidence of pupils obviously is reduced or wiped out if getting treatment bullying either physical or speech. According to Owelnus (in Aluedse, 2016), the confidence of children or students who have been treated bullying will have the confidence that is lower than those of the untreated bullying because they will feel fear and anxiety. Which with low confidence will have a bad effect for students who are victims of example victim realizes that he has the ability or aptitude in a certain subject but because it has low confidence then the victim does not develop. And will affect the lives of students amidst the optimism of bullying is to make the victim's life expectancy expected to die slowly.
The second is the make students experience a disruption in socializing activities. Indeed, humans are social beings or depend on each other. The activity of student socialization is important because through it the student can develop and progress, both in academic or non-academic. But it will be different for students who are victims of bullying because victims of bullying do not want to socialize even become anti-social. How not, it is because he traumatized the victim will act so that victims get started closing up to others. And since the shut down will cause the student victims of bullying to have difficulty even can not socialize with his friends or people around nicely.
And the last is the which causes depression leads to suicide. Explanation Sejiwa (2008) state that the psychological impact on the victim of bullying is the emergence of psychological disorders such as depression and even the emergence of the idea of ​​suicide. Based on statistical data KPAI cases of bullying in schools 22.4% per May 30, 2018. As one example of a case that occurred in one of the students bullied commit suicide is EL (16), one of the students of SMAN 1 Bangkinang, RIAU. Bullied commit suicide due to the already heavy depress strong and had not received treatment should not accept. Especially at school age, most students are not too long to think that taking shortcuts like suicide to resolve their problems.
In conclusion, the act of bullying must be eradicated and stopped. That is because making victims of bullying have a private and a bad future. Even students bullying can kill a victim of bullying.

Ratih Saltri Yudar - 1788203008

The Causes of Bullying
Bullying is not a new thing in this modern era. Bullying happens to somebody with any reasons that sometimes with undescribed reasons. According to Monks et al., (2009), “Bullying can happen in various contexts, in childhood or adult life”. No matter what, someone shouldn’t get bullying just because something that wasn’t supposed to be the reason it happened.
In many cases, someone gets bully because of disabilities, and these cases could happen to children or adult. Bullying because of disabilities happens more often to children and they get bully from the nearest people, such as other students in the school or other children near their house.  Based on a survey in Northern Ireland by RSM McClure Watters (2001), “Bully cases because of disabilities often happens to children in primary or post-primary school”. Actually, rather than bullying disabilities person, others with a normal physique should support or take care and help them to get the same treatment as others.
Disabilities, not the only reason bullying happens to someone, physique also could be the other reason for bullying cases happens. Physique bullying not only because someone is too fat, but sometimes it’s also because someone has a thin body. Based on research entitled "The causes of bullying: results from the National Survey Health (PeNSE)” showed that bullying was more recurrent between someone were either have too fat or too thin body image.
For some case, children with a genetic predisposition or sometimes also called genetic susceptibility has higher possibilities to make bullying happens. Research entitled "Cause of Bullying in Boarding High School in Zimbabwe", shown that genetic predisposition is one of several factors that contribute to bullying behaviors. Tatum (1993) has suggested, children with a genetic predisposition to bullying may have a possibility for bullying lowered through the provision of the boarding school environment in which relations between students are positive.
Lastly, bullying cases could happen to anyone, anywhere and anytime with some reason from others that did not have empathy. Disabilities, too fat or too thin, physique or genetic predisposition should not be a reason for bullying. As a human, we should respect them and show our empathy with treating them like we treat others who have the normal condition, and also help them when they fell down because they’re not confident with their self. Support is something what they really need from others and let’s help them to avoid bullying.

Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Wella Cisilya (1788203030)

How To End Bullying?

Bullying is a problem in our society. In facts, bullying is very scary. Because bullying can take many forms of harm. Victims of bullying likely kids and they to contemplate suicide if they depressed. The fact from Finland is the case that people who were bullied as kids got the effect when they victims bullying. The effect from this case is depressed and frustration will be continued starting from to suffer as young adults and the harm for girls who were bullied grew up to attempt and commit suicide more frequently by the age of 25, for instance, and boys were more likely to develop anxiety disorders. The solution to protect the victim who bullying there has three strategies, first is to set clear rules and sanctions for people who do bully, the second precaution against bullying is rewarding positive behavior, the third precaution is open in communication.

The first action taken for perpetrators of bullying is to set clear rules and sanctions for people who intimidate. This is necessary because according to Peguero (2012) emphasizes "the rules and consequences for breaking the rules are clearly stated and students need to know what will happen if they are involved in certain behaviors." Providing clear rules to the perpetrator is the first step to stop bullying. The rule is a written form of law that will give a deterrent effect to the perpetrators. In the case of bullying at the university Gunadarma Irwan said "Even if there are criminal elements, this can be disciplined" Jl Margonda, Depok, Monday (17/7) can stop with what he does and realize that the actions he is doing harm the victim and himself.

The second precaution against intimidation is rewarding positive behavior, which means giving training to the behavior of those who do not plant. provide education and learning about how to respect and accept the shortcomings of other people's advantages. providing education on intimidation can be successful if victims of intimidation such as students report inappropriate behavior by other students. to provide education against intimidation by teaching BP-PBS to students. As an example. If a student reports problematic behavior such as bullying, ask the student who reports, "Do you say 'stop'?" Or "Are you walking away?" If students who report don't say "stop" or walk away, practice the response and encourage them to use the response in the next time and not go further. If students who report saying "stop" or walk away, interact with identified students involved in problematic behavior. Ask students to offend whether he or she was asked by someone else to stop. Then ask if he really stopped. Give practice for the steps that must be followed when someone asks you to stop. thus positive behavioral learning given can change inappropriate behavior for the better.

The third precaution is open in communication. The key to ending the bullying is to make open communication who bullying. Parents have to be observant of the spoken and unspoken messages they get from their children. Take a good look at your child’s clothing and possessions when he gets home from school or sports. Because with communication child whom bullying can get Communication between parents and children is a key to putting a stop to bullying. Being able to ask the right questions and then truly listening is the start of getting to the bottom of this type of problem. Parents must stay aware of what is happening to their children. It just might be their own child who is the bully. The statistic shows that over 30 percent of children are involved on a regular basis as a victim of bullying, as a bully themselves or participating in both behaviors. From the study show with communicating  “15 minutes a day of focused conversation with a child about issues related to bullying can help build self-esteem and prevent bullying.”

In conclusion, the reason why bullies must be educated is that many of them are do not know aware of exactly hurting their victim. Bullying can come anytime and everywhere. With educated the bullying can increase the victims bullying. And the factors to make they stop with they doing is from parents and educators, who are the majority of the readers of this site, have the power to change it. Brian Meyer said, “Teaching them to show respect to each other is more effective than saying ‘Don’t be a bully,’’’. So, in order to succeed in ending intimidation, the teacher must leave the attitude of not caring about the student, but go down directly in the field and see for themselves what is happening. the way that can be done by the teacher is to provide protection and escort. so that everything that students do can be monitored and safe.

Re "District Adopts Anti-Bullying Policy," March 15: MAXINE DEL GALLO. LONG ANGELES TIMES. http://articles.latimes.com/2001/apr/01/local/me-45576


J Appl Behav Anal. 2009 Winter; 42(4): 747–759. BULLY PREVENTION IN POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT.Scott W RossUTAH STATE UNIVERSITY,Robert H Horner.

Bradshaw C, Koth C, Bevans K, Ialongo N, Leaf P. The impact of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) on the organizational health of elementary schools. School Psychology Quarterly. 2008;23:462–473.

Lana Hasanah (1788203010)

Bullying, are you okay???

Bullying is a behavior in which a person is intentionally hurt by words or actions, usually more than once, feels bad about it, and it is difficult to stop what happens to them. In bullying, there are actions such as threats, spreading issues, attacking someone physically or verbally, and this action is done intentionally. Along with the development of highly sophisticated technology, intimidation can not only be done directly, but also indirectly through social media called "Cyber Bullying" which has developed rapidly and must be avoided. One example of cyber bullying is haters who bully celebrities by cursing and insulting without thinking about the negative effects that will be caused. So in today's world conditions, intimidation must be stopped because a lot of problems arise.

Bullying is a despicable behavior because bullying can cause many problems. Actually bullying not only affects the victim, but also affects the perpetrator. Until now, there have been many cases of bullying in the world, even this bullying has made victims become depressed. This is evidenced by the graph "Kaiser Family Foundation & Children Now (2011)". From the graph, it can be seen that depression cases due to bully reach the highest percentage, which is close to 50% compared to the others. This shows that bullying is very dangerous because it makes the victim of depression who might be brought to adulthood and more feared, this victim who has been very depressed will commit suicide because he is no longer able to face this world.

Worldwide, people already understand that bullying has a negative effect. but in reality, this case still often occurs even worse than the previous one. This is influenced by technological sophistication so that bullying can be done without having to face to face, namely through social media. More and more cases of bullying are increasingly rampant, so that makes everyone worried because of bullying, can make the victim become a mental trigger disorder. This is evidenced by the case that occurred about 2 months ago in Los Angeles. The case experienced by Will Poulter 'Bandersnatch'. The case where Will gets bullied on social media so that he experiences a mental disorder that makes him leave the virtual world. This is certainly a serious problem because the effects that are caused greatly affect it and must be addressed immediately.

Revenge is a trait a person has when feeling oppressed or persecuted. everyone can take revenge. it turns out, a bully case can cause a very serious problem that can make the victim become vengeful by taking revenge not only to the perpetrator, but even to avenge him or her who is totally innocent. This happened by a bully victim in China. As a result of being bullied, in April 2018 the victim killed 9 school students and injured 10 others. This certainly makes the country excited because this video slaughter is viral on social media. The victim named Zhaou said that what he did was a form of revenge for the bullying that he experienced at the age of 13 to 14 at the school. and in the end, the revenge took place on April 27, 2018 around 4 pm.

In conclusion, bullying is something that must be avoided and abolished because the consequences are extraordinary, especially for the victim. In this case both the government, parents, and the surrounding environment must be able to work together in overcoming or minimizing this with the aim that there will be no more victims caused and life becomes safe and secure.

Mutia Sari Nursafira (1788203015)

How to Stop Bullying in Schools?

The act of bullying in schools is not a taboo anymore for many years, this is actually one of the big homework that must be completed by the school as a place to get education and character development for children. Bullying which is detrimental to many people should getting more attention from the school to do prevention and termination before bad things happen that are not desirable. As it’s known, bullying has many negative effects, especially for young people especially children. It can decrease their self-esteem that will affect their mentality and lose confidence in the future. For the worst case, they will not think twice about doing self-injury or even suicide. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with stopping bullying in schools, there are educate the bullies, giving punishments for the bullies, and protecting the victim.

The first is educate the bullies. The reason behind the frequent occurrence of bullying, one of them is the lack of awareness of the bully on how much they have hurt the victim physically and non-physically. Cases like this can be prevented by holding anti-bullying programs in schools. For example, anti-bullying program held by Valhalla School in New York, United States. This anti-bullying program is called Ryan’s Story, which is intended for parents and teachers. John Halligan, he is the father of Ryan, will try to share the story of his son who committed suicide in 2003 as a result of bullying. The program, which was held on March 10, in addition to bullying, also discussed cyber-bullying and depression among young people. Not only at Valhalla School, an anti-bullying program was also carried out by North Ridgeville School, Ohio, United States last year. This anti-bullying program is highly recommended to be held in other schools. In this program, there will be counseling on how to reduce the number of bullying in schools which will provide many benefits for teachers, parents, especially the bully. Hopefully, the bullies might be aware of the impact of their treatment which can harm many people. Not only that, this program will further build cooperation between teachers and parents of students in overcoming bullying at school.

The second is, giving punishment or sanctions to the bullies. This is the next way the school can do to stop bullying at school. Schools can enforce strict regulations that can make the bully discourage him from carrying out these actions. If they violate the rules and are found guilty of still carrying out bullying, then they must accept the punishment in the form of being expelled from school. In Indonesia, detiknews.com reported that there were nine students who were perpetrators of bullying released from schools in Central Jakarta. In foreign countries, it can be monitored based on data obtained by Virginia University through surveys showing that the number of students dropped out of school due to bullying reached 29%. Other data also noted an increase in the number of students released from school from 18.6% to 25.3% due to ridicule and bullying. Even though it only reached 20%, the school's actions were good in eradicating bullying using this method. It can be concluded that the school still prioritizes safety, comfort and reduces the number of bully who roam the school environment.

The last is to protect the bullying victims. Bullying victims are those who do not understand self-defense and do not know how to protect themselves from the bully. Those who are already afraid of the threat of the bully are only resigned when it is implemented badly. Receive ridicule, racism and others. Therefore, the school did not continuously focus on reducing the number of bullying perpetrators. Schools can also protect and protect victims by telling victims that they are not suitable to be bullied. The school should provide direction, advice and support to increase the victims' self-defense and self-worth so that in the future, they will no longer feel too much negative impact when they get bullied. In Finland, a study in that country found an anti-bullying program called KiVa which succeeded in reducing the level of depression in 77 schools with students reaching 7,000. KiVa contains ways and simulations of how other students eradicate bullying and provide benefits for raising bully victims' self-esteem. This method is quite effective because the benefits provided are very large. And it is expected that other schools can apply the self-defense program for these bully victims as good as KiVa so as not to add to the list of bully victims.

In conlusion, there are many ways that can be done to stop bullying in school. The three methods above will succeed if there is cooperation between all people who get involved t. The more people care about eradicating bullying in schools and in other environments, the bullying action will certainly decrease rapidly.

Sandra Yunira (17882030124)


           Bullying is one of human rights violations that often occur among children and adolescents. Nowadays, the awareness of the younger generation about the dangers of bullying is still lacking. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is manifested by rude treatment and the use of force to influence other people, which is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, and involves an imbalance of power and authorization. This behavior can take various forms, ranging from verbal insults, physical violence, extortion, intimidation, SARA discrimination to cyber bullying. All of that can happen anytime and anywhere. bullying is an act that violates the human rights especially in freedom of fear, the right to get protection and freedom of social justice.
           Based on the four freedom declaration of human rights in 1948, everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Bullying victims who experience fear will have psychological disorders, the disorder can also affect the physical condition of the victim, disturbing his mental and cyclic means that their rights are difficult to disturb. In Indonesia, many children have become victims of bullying, one of which is Chika Ayu. Reporting from the news.okezone.com news site, a fifth grade student at SDN 02 Bintara, Bekasi, who was only 11 years old, was traumatized and did not want to go to school again after being victimized by bullying by her classmates. According to aunt's victim, the acts of violence experienced by her niece took place in the school environment during recess on Wednesday 21 October 2015. Initially, Chika was bullied with ridicule from her friends. They mocked Chika as "Burik". Chika then cried with her head down in her chair. Not only until there, his friends instead occupied Chika's head until her face was bruised. The incident was very alarming.
            Bullying behavior including human rights violations which are considered quite heavy. Based on the Child Protection Act No.23 of 2002 Article 13, every child has the right to be protected from discrimination. Obviously there are a lot of victims of bullying rights that have been taken by the perpetrators, such as the right to obtain security, the right to be respected , the right to protection from discrimination, and so on. In addition, this behavior is also not in accordance with the norms of any religion. Of course, every religion on this earth teaches us to respect each other.
            Based on the 1945 Constitution, the 4th paragraph has the right to justice. If we analyze from the point of view of the Pancasila, the behavior of bullying contradicts the second principle of Pancasila which reads "just and civilized humanity". This behavior is certainly very inhumane and uncivilized because the offender has degrading and labeling the victim poorly. In addition, we all as young people of Indonesia should be able to inspire the motto "Unity in Diversity", different but still one. Respect is an important key to this problem. If everyone can respect the rights of others, bullying will not happen anywhere. Ironically, many parties do not take this problem seriously. The case of bullying is not something that is simple and can be solved by the child himself. There are many solutions that we can do to prevent bullying behavior in the younger generation.
So, an effective character education is needed in teaching children and adolescents about the dangers and effects of bullying for others. By knowing this, children can also learn to respect the rights of others. Learning like this can be taught through Religion lessons, Civics Education, or in the form of socialization from Counseling Guidance (BK) owned by the school. In addition, there needs to be supervision and attention from both the government, educational institutions, the public and parents so that bullying cases do not occur again. If there are students who are victims of bullying, the school, friends and parents need to provide support and attention to the child to continue to be patient and remain confident. We also should guide the child in solving his problem well to the root. In cases of bullying that create depression and prolonged trauma, parents should take the child to a psychologist.THE CRUEL BULLYING !

Bullying is one of human rights violations that often occur among children and adolescents. Nowadays, the awareness of the younger generation about the dangers of bullying is still lacking. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is manifested by rude treatment and the use of force to influence other people, which is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, and involves an imbalance of power and authorization. This behavior can take various forms, ranging from verbal insults, physical violence, extortion, intimidation, SARA discrimination to cyber bullying. All of that can happen anytime and anywhere. bullying is an act that violates the human rights especially freedom of fear, the right to get protection and freedom of social justice.
Based on the four freedom declaration of human rights in 1948, everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Bullying victims who experience fear will have psychological disorders, the disorder can also affect the physical condition of the victim, disturbing his mental and cyclic means that their rights are difficult to disturb. In Indonesia, many children have become victims of bullying, one of which is Chika Ayu. Reporting from the news.okezone.com news site, a fifth grade student at SDN 02 Bintara, Bekasi, who was only 11 years old, was traumatized and did not want to go to school again after being victimized by bullying by her classmates. According to aunt's victim, the acts of violence experienced by her niece took place in the school environment during recess on Wednesday 21 October 2015. Initially, Chika was bullied with ridicule from her friends. They mocked Chika as "Burik". Chika then cried with her head down in her chair. Not only until there, his friends instead occupied Chika's head until her face was bruised. The incident was very alarming.
Bullying behavior including human rights violations which are considered quite heavy. Based on the Child Protection Act No.23 of 2002 Article 13, every child has the right to be protected from discrimination. Obviously there are a lot of victims of bullying rights that have been taken by the perpetrators, such as the right to obtain security, the right to be respected , the right to protection from discrimination, and so on. In addition, this behavior is also not in accordance with the norms of any religion. Of course, every religion on this earth teaches us to respect each other.
Based on the 1945 Constitution, the 4th paragraph has the right to justice. If we analyze from the point of view of the Pancasila, the behavior of bullying contradicts the second principle of Pancasila which reads "just and civilized humanity". This behavior is certainly very inhumane and uncivilized because the offender has degrading and labeling the victim poorly. In addition, we all as young people of Indonesia should be able to inspire the motto "Unity in Diversity", different but still one. Respect is an important key to this problem. If everyone can respect the rights of others, bullying will not happen anywhere. Ironically, many parties do not take this problem seriously. The case of bullying is not something that is simple and can be solved by the child himself. There are many solutions that we can do to prevent bullying behavior in the younger generation.
So, an effective character education is needed in teaching children and adolescents about the dangers and effects of bullying for others. By knowing this, children can also learn to respect the rights of others. Learning like this can be taught through Religion lessons, Civics Education, or in the form of socialization from Counseling Guidance (BK) owned by the school. In addition, there needs to be supervision and attention from both the government, educational institutions, the public and parents so that bullying cases do not occur again. If there are students who are victims of bullying, the school, friends and parents need to provide support and attention to the child to continue to be patient and remain confident. We also should guide the child in solving his problem well to the root. In cases of bullying that create depression and prolonged trauma, parents should take the child to a psychologist.

Jessica Paulima (1788203035)

All of this because of you, bullying!!

Bullying is an action that results in a mental disorders. River, Poteat, Noret, and Ashurst (2009) suggest that bullying is part of everyday life, most students in school, victims of intimidation or bullying have a negative impact that is related to their mental health such as causing psychological disorders, depression, and worse is being able to cause suicide.

Bullying actors will get satisfaction from their actions. They are afraid of being rivaled, so they oppress the others. Bullying people consider themselves the most powerful, most powerful than victims of bullying. Bullying perprators also consider themselves the trust even though by bullying he will be hated by others. They don't care what impact they have on the victims of bullying. And oppressed victims are helpless individuals who are unable to resist and surrender to the conditions they experience.

The impact of bullying that often occurs is the occurrence of psychological disorders. Psychological symptoms that will occur in bully-victim children such as anxiety or anxiety, fatigue, reduced, moody, self-blame and easily angry. According to data (WHO), there are around 450 milion peoples who experience psychological disorders.

In addition to psychological disorders, the second mental disorder that often occurs is depression. Depression is a common mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability worldwide. Depression is characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, tiredness, and poor concentration.

According to WHO (2018) data, 
an estimated 300 million people are affected by depression.
Children who suffer from depression due to bullying, many runs into "negative" examples such as torturing themselves (self-destruction), alcohol, psycho-addictive substances, posssessing uncomfortable feelings, fear of going out of the house ti socialize in real, bitter experiences and sad feelings always haunt everyday, rejected by the environment, and treated likr arbitrarily humbling themselves.

Suicide. Suicide is a fatal impact of mental disorders. According to data (WHO), nearly one million peoples commit suicide every day. Bully victims committed suicide because they were no longer able and stressed.

So, Bullying or what we call suppression is familiar to us. That until now there are still many cases of bullying that still have not been dealt with and are often experienced by everyone regardless of age, from the young to the old, even from the closest person even the family.  Bullying that often occurs in children is considered the initial form of violence that occurs in adolescence and is a form of behavioral disorder. And bullying has an impact starting from psychological disorders, depression, and even attempting suicide.

After knowing what bullying is and its effects, let's together dare to say "NO" to bullying. Don't be a bully don't want to be bullied.

Nelia Gari (1788203037)

Bullying! why are you torturing me?

For now, the action of bullying is already familiar to the public, the act of bullying itself cannot be stopped and underestimated because bullying is a very serious problem in the environment. Bullying is an action taken by a group of people or individuals. Where bullying can torture the heart even physically the victim slowly, because this bullying is an act or behavior carried out by hurting the physical and psychological forms of the victim, as published in the child therapy "sun discourse." common 'the act of bullying can be done by hitting or kicking the victim's physicality, and insulting the victim's feelings and the physical or psychology of the victim even threatening the victim's life. According to "Dan Olweus, Bullying at School (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1993),“I define bullying or victimization in the following general way: 
A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is ex-posed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students". And usually, the perpetrators of bullying are people who feel that they are better, stronger and more perfect than the victim. This bullying can occur anywhere, can occur in the social environment, especially in interacting in society, this bullying can have a negative effect and can result in negative things and actions from victims such as intimidated victims will be brave enough to commit suicide."(CNN),A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday".higher intimidation of victims will cause death, such as physical violence to victims". Not even the negative effects that occur if the bullying is not immediately followed up then will cause other effects, namely, intimidation can make the victim feel inferior, feel lonely and always feel afraid "(from quipper.com)."
 First of all bullying, that occurs in social interactions will result in things that are bad and fatal if this action is not Immediately stopped. The intended consequences are victims who are bullied will be brave enough to commit suicide or end their lives"(CNN),A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday".Because social interaction is a relationship between individuals and groups and between individuals and individuals if the relationship is not good then it creates bullying bullying between groups or individuals that will result in death because of this the victim will feel pressured and tortured so that it can lead to behavior or actions that can hurt themselves even if it does not have friends anymore that can be used as a backrest or a friend to confide in, so the victim's thoughts and hearts will be filled with negative things that can cause bad things that will happen if not noticed or stopped. 
Furthermore, the effects of poor social interaction also result in victims being physically tortured, this is because the intimidation of higher victims will cause death, such as physical violence to victims "Why the bully-killing,teen finally snapped Lorena Mongelli, Larry Celona, Jamie Schram and Kirstan Conley,Fearing for his life,'Noel allegedly killed Timothy with a 6-inch kitchen knife, stabbing him three times".Bullying is not only mentally done but sometimes bullying can physically be like kicking, hitting until the victim loses his staff. Although sometimes the effects of bullying do not react quickly sometimes this lasts a long time, if physical bullying is not immediately stopped it will cause casualties. Therefore it is expected that parents play a role important in building good social interaction (berita.co.id) so that it does not cause the word bullying because the first teaching of a child starts from a small environment, namely the family, so educate children from an early age so that they can respect and love the people around them.

And finally there is one effect of bullying that is very concerned if we see, the bullying that occurred in the social environment did not only result yesterday but also caused mental disruption to victims where intimidation could make victims feel inferior, feel lonely and always feel afraid  "(JC Reporter, One of the worst impacts of bullying is that it can change who you are. I know a lot of people who haven’t been able to cope with it and who have turned to self harm, alcohol or drugs. It’s true that bullying can make you stronger and wiser in some respects, but it also lowers your confidence, damages your self esteem and leaves you feeling insecure — which changes how you make friends in the future)".victims of bullying will always be afraid of this because victims feel that they are in danger and their lives are in danger of dying, so victims of bullying often feel afraid of everyone and avoid crowded places (Dr. Tania Savitri - General Practitioner) usually the victims of bullying also feel inferior or will lose self-confidence and always assume that they are not worthy of being loved and appreciated besides that victim of bullying will always feel lonely and have no relationship with others anymore.

So social interaction is very important in a good relationship because if the social interaction relationship is not good, it will cause negative things. And if this bullying is not considered or just let it go then there will be many negative effects that will be caused, to reduce the bullying effect above, the bullying actors must be given sanctions that can deter them from doing so again. And it must be given an understanding of this.



            Bullying has a lot of effects on people psychology. The effects are depression, emotional changes, mental breakdown, become introvert, the spirit of life decreases, decreased confidence, and also the victim's life does not feel as safe as before. The first research conducted on bullying in Europe, has increased from 67 cases to 79 cases. The brawlers also increased from 46 cases in 2014 to 103 cases (Hazliansya & Qomarria, 2015). A variety of forms of bullying can have a large impact including the psychology of someone so bullying is very dangerous.

            People who experience bullying will get depression. Depression can make someone feel stressed, the bullying effect on people mentality can have a big impact. The data in the case of a junior high school student in one of the high schools was harassed and bullied by his schoolmates, as a result, the students were depressed and sick. In any case, Dr. Andre Sourander, a professor of child psychiatry reported that was a child who is bullied in early childhood get depression disorders and need psychiatric treatment. The fact tells to people in out there that depression is a problem to bullying case.

            These people emotional health also changes such easily as angry. It causes the mental health of people who experienced bullying. about 30 percent of children who have psychiatric problems must undergo treatment due to high anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and substance abuse. The victims may also suffer from a serious illness and poor social relation.

            In fact, the victims of bullying can commit suicide. Suicide is carried out by bully victims because he feels there is no other way for the problem. According to the CDC, over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. There is a case of suicide because of bullying in Tokyo, Japan. Students Junior High School, aged 13 years due to suicide because being bullied by their school friends. The form of bullying carried out by the bully against the student is by forcing to eat a bee until the insect dies and chokes.

            In sum, bullying acts are very detrimental to someone and hurt someone, so that the person experiencing psychology disorders even ends suicide, this is what is meant that bullying is very dangerous. also, the victims of bullying must get protection and there must be a clear solution so that the crimes committed by perpetrators of bullying do not occur again.

References :
 healthline news : bullying affects victims and bullied into adulthood
center for disease control,2017
Center for disease control and prevention, suicide prevention.
Bullying statistics.org
iNews.id : siswa smp bunuh diri karena dibully 2 temannya
tribun News : depresi karena dibully dan dilecehkan

Muhamad Rahmadeny

Bullying is a disrespectful treatment which can occur in the form of physical or verbal. Bullying often occurs in the school environment. Bullying is very dangerous in the learning activities. Because bullying has a negative impact on learning such as loss of self-confidence, social phobia and able to make a decrease in IQ intelligence test scores.
In fact, bullying is one treatment that often occur in the school environment. This will have an impact on learning activities, because the treatment is done continuously to make the victim into a loss of confidence. Loss of confidence in the learning activities, will make a victim become active in the learning process and does not dare to put forward opinions.
Social phobia is anxiety or fear that is excessive when dealing with social situations. Bullying became one of the main triggers of social phobia. Bullying are usually experienced by social phobia that is as physical intimidation, in the form of violence such as pushing or hitting. As a result of social phobia in the learning activities will make the victim into fear when appearing in public.
Finally, the intellect IQ is a general term used to explain the nature of the mind which includes a number of capabilities such as the ability to reason, break down and analyze the problem right. Drop in IQ intelligence test scores in the school environment is inseparable from the treatment of bullying. Because the activity of learning often occurs treatment verbal bullying as an expression that makes the victim becomes confused in informing.
In conclusion, the negative impact of bullying in learning is very dangerous for victims. because it will make victims to lose confidence, social phobia, decrease IQ intelligence test scores. thus bullying must be handled, so that bullying does not make the generation of the nation broken. 

Ichsan Jazzawi MHTA

The negative impact of bullying for children in the future.

Believe it or not, a simple problem whatsoever if it is not taken seriously it will give a tremendous impact. Bullying is one of the problems. Bullying is a form of activity that acts of violence perpetrated by a single person or group to deliberately and repeatedly aimed to hurt, humiliate and dropping the esteem of others. However, who would have thought the bullying had 3 negative impact on the future will be a child, Horrible is not it?

First, children are exposed to bullying can suffer from emotional disorders and behavior problems in the future. According, Walgiato (2010: 10) as well as the behavior of a person's emotions can be formed out of the habit of what to do and is found in everyday life. Based on the above opinion, bullying will indirectly affect the nature of the victim's emotions and behavior. Then bullying is very dangerous, especially if the victim bullied repeatedly and gradually this will have a considerable impact on the victim psychologically so would harm the elderly and children in the future.

Second, bullying also can inhibit a child to actualize themselves and this occurs because of the intimidation of the victim thus creating inconvenience in learning activities. It began to affect the way of thinking, and academic achievement. Then the victims are no longer able to participate in learning that makes the victim unable to actualize themselves. It is very dangerous for the future of the child.

Lastly, the bully victim can also suffer physical record. This is very dangerous and implications for the future of children. This form of repression carried out directly from the perpetrator to the victim without any intermediary. This act would result in physical pain to the victim, for example: hitting, kicking and so forth. Of course, victims of bullying who are disabled will greatly impact the future of the child.

Based on the above points, it can be concluded that bullying is very dangerous to the future of the child. Bullying can lead to a lack of knowledge and make the victim being stupid. Therefore, children should be free from bullying so the future is not threatened.

Avivah Adinda Putri (1788203036)


Bullying in school has been around for a long time. According to U.S. Department of Education and by many mental health professionals is unwanted physical or verbal aggression directed at a specific person, repeated over a period, involves an imbalance of power, and acts to exclude the victim from a group. Bullying can occur in various ways and anyone can become the target of bullying, including students in the school. It may include physical violence, such as kicking, hitting or hair ripping.  It is further characterized by the bully repeatedly using the higher social status they have over the victim to exert power and to hurt the victim. It may just as well involve harassment, name-calling, gossiping, outing, rumor spreading, threats, or other forms of intimidation expand from being done in person or by phone to the use of emails, chat rooms, blogs, or other social media over the Internet. Nowadays, it is so important to find the causes students bullying their friends at school because being bullied is not easy.

What is the pattern of behavior and values shared by a family, whether the behavior was polite and respectful, obeys and understand each other, or behaviors like swearing, comparing and violence if it does not obtain what it children wants? Well, that is how the values embedded in the minds of children at home and put into effect are the values they embrace and express, both inside and outside the home (can be both or even in one environment). Lack of involvement and attention of parents to children who are bullies usually have a less healthy parenting process from the surrounding environment, parents, and extended family. In addition, bullying actors usually have a temperament that is difficult to handle properly. As a result, it will encourage children to imitate it to be practiced on their friends who are considered weak at school. A survey conducted by the British Society of 10th-grade students in the UK said that around 1/7 students had been ignored by parents. The report was released by The University of York, the Children's Society on Tuesday (11/29/2016). Researchers from the University of York conducted a sample survey of around 2000 adolescents aged 12-15 years from 72 schools in the UK. These teens were asked about how their parents behaved (treatment) every day. The results show that among these adolescents, at least one in seven of them had experienced some form of neglect by their parents. Behavior in the form of neglect of parents in related surveys includes: Do not care when the child moves outside, does not immediately pay attention when they fall ill, is not interested in their education. cannot provide emotional support or encouragement when they encounter problems. Sadly, parents should be accustomed to giving positive feedback to children so that they are accustomed to communicating well at home so that it will apply as long as the child is in school.

The UNICEF and Kominfo research released in 2014 released by 400 respondents (aged 10-19 years) in 17 provinces, also found children who were very vulnerable to being victims of bullying. The study was conducted in 2011 and 2012 and involved a sample representing 400 children and adolescents from urban and rural areas in 11 provinces. Furthermore, focus group discussions were held in Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Balikpapan, and Jayapura. The researchers conducted an online survey in late 2012 and 2013 through Facebook and Kaskus. The study revealed only the percentage of respondents arrested were oppressed, and among them, 13 percent had been victims for the previous three months. Bullying behavior is often also treated by students themselves as common events. Students who will become seniors want a tradition to continue and show power, revenge, jealousy or seeking popularity. Seniority that is misinterpreted and used as an opportunity or reason for bullying against the junior does not stop in a period. This is not uncommon as an unwritten rule that is passed down and down to the next level. This is because the perpetrators feel that they have been treated harshly and humiliated so that the perpetrators hold grudges and irritations that will be ventured to weaker or junior people when they are senior. The spirit of wanting to dominate the victim with physical power and sexual attraction, namely the desire to show the strength that is owned so that the victim does not dare to fight it. To increase the popularity of actors among peers, namely the desire to show self-existence, seek attention and want to be famous. Victims often feel that they deserve to be treated like that (bully) so that the victim just silences this happening repeatedly to him. The existence of peers who have a negative influence by spreading ideas (both actively and passively) that bullying is not a big problem and is a natural thing to do. According to Djwuta Ratna (2005) in his time, children had the desire to no longer depend on their families and began to assess seeking support and security from their peers. So bullying occurs because of demands for conformity.

At least but not least, with the development of technology, especially information technology, such as the internet, television, etc., indirectly affects the lives of its people. The influence given can be positive and negative. As an example of the positive impact is the increase in knowledge and insight possessed, networks are easily obtained, etc. While the example of the negative impact is that many people no longer work/try hard to get something, tend to want to get in an instant way and act in all ways to get what they want. In this case, the most influential changes that occur in society, in general, are television with a variety of shows offered, such as soap operas, soap operas, comedy, cartoons, reality shows which mostly have a negative impact, especially for the development of children and adolescents. Although there are several television shows that have positive impacts, such as news, natural phenomena, etc. Television and print media form a pattern of bullying behavior in terms of the shows they display. According to Wilson, TV shows, films and other reading materials can have negative behavioral effects such as; anti-social, low sensitivity to violence, increasing fear of being victims of violence/bullying, and learning aggressive behavior. Compass surveys (Saripah, 2006) showed that 56.9% of children imitated the film scenes they watched, generally they imitated their movements (64%) and their words (43%).

In sum, it is expected that the school can improve discipline in schools and provide counseling to bullying actors. Teachers are expected to play an active role in preventing the occurrence of bullying in schools, set a good example, reduce acts of violence as punishment, provide information about watching or television programs that are good to watch for students. Parents are expected to guide children with exemplary teaching and example and not to let children do things without parental supervision such as the use of electronic media and mass media. Monitor children's development, especially children's emotional and social development.


Dionisius Tito Aditomo

Some Causes Of Bullying, Which It Should Be Give More Attention
Bullying is an act of violence both physically and mentally by someone both individually and in groups against other people. In order to reduce this bullying treatment and not be done by someone, therefore there are several causes that need to be considered and give more attention. Some of these problems family, friends and Cyberbullying that penetrates globally.
 Parents is the main factor of children. Where the child will imitate everything that parents do. When parents have bad habits such as abusive language or acts of violence, it is possible that the child will do the same thing. Act of omission of the child because of parents are busy can also cause children to commit impingement against someone, make them want to more attention than others. To solve this problem, parents should pay more attention to children, monitor children in daily and spend time together on holidays.
Like in family, bullying can be done by peers at school or around the residence. Where the role of friends can prevent other friends from committing bully. Of course, If there are close friends who know each other can prevent the bully from committing bully. To overcome this problem, parents should get to know each other parents to make a bond of friendship, so that the child will participate in having ties to other children.
With the development of technology, especially social media can affect children's actions in doing things. If children overexpress themselves on social media, of course they share their daily activities, so that personal information will be known by public and there is no privacy for that children. To minimize children's actions, of course the role of parents must manage and give some warning to children, so that children do not express themselves too often on social media.
Those are some causes that must be given more attention especially for children. Because simple problems like family, friends and social media can influence children to do bully or even become bully victims.

Siska Pradina (1788203017)

Bullying Effect, Is It Dangerous?

     According to Rigby (1994) bullying is an action or behavior that aims to hurt someone intentionally and wants to make the victim suffer. In the past few years the actions of bullying have become increasingly rampant, and many acts of bullying have occurred among students in Indonesia. If this continues, it will damage the future of someone who is a victim of bullying. Besides that bullying is very bad influence on a person's mental condition.

     Bullying victims will be depressed. Bullying can be experienced by anyone regardless of age, the case of bullying that occurs a lot among children and adolescents is very alarming, even many of them are depressed and will greatly disrupt their daily activities. The victims of bullying are very depressed and very depressed with actions that make it very uncomfortable. This can be proven by data that occurs in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta. A journal entitled 'Verbal bullying caused by depression in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta', published in 2017 and written by Gitry Marela, Abdul Wahab, and Carla Raymondalexas Marchira. In the journal the authors state that the results of the statistical tests show the relationship between bullying and depression in adolescents. Based on the statistical results of bullying that occurs in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta is very high. Most victims of bullying are verbally bullied, and victims who experience depression are as many as 48.5% of women who experience depression and 29.9% of men who experience depression due to bullying.

     The next bad impact that will be experienced by victims of bullying is the loss of self-confidence. With bad actions done by someone against other people can affect one's confidence. This can be evidenced by a study conducted at SMAN 7 Pekanbaru and written in a journal written by Hertika Nanda Putri, Fathra Annis Nauli, and Riri Novayelinda published in 2015. In this journal examining the relationship between self-confidence and bullying behavior, The data states that the majority of students who have low self-confidence have high bullying behavior, namely as many as 23 respondents (65.7%) compared to respondents with high self-confidence who have low bullying behavior, namely as many as 19 respondents (24.3%). This research proves that there is a significant relationship between bullying behavior and the loss of one's confidence.

     Furthermore, the most terrible adverse effects of bullying behavior are victims of suicide. If the bullying action continues and has exceeded the limit, the victim will be depressed, resulting in his suicide. In general, victims of bullying are introverted and don't tell ssomething to many people, including their families. This can cause depression to be out of control because it saves all its own problems, if this is ignored and does not get the attention, there will be many victims suicide. This can be proven by the news published on Republika.co.id written by Muhammad Fauzi and published in 2018, in the news stating that a child committed suicide because he was pressured by the attitude of his friends who always told him to do the assignment. The child with the initials TTP was determined to commit suicide in his room and soon his body was found by his sister.

     The conclusion is that bullying cannot be underestimated or let alone. Children must always be watched and monitored by parents and teachers in the school. If there is a suspicious child's attitude or behavior, immediately ask what happened to the child. It is very sad if more and more victims of bullying occur among students, preferably as parents or as teachers can be advisors and also act as friends for these children, so that the child can freely tell about all the problems that are being experienced. With the many adverse effects that occur due to bullying, as much as possible bulyying actions must be stopped.