Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Avivah Adinda Putri (1788203036)


Bullying in school has been around for a long time. According to U.S. Department of Education and by many mental health professionals is unwanted physical or verbal aggression directed at a specific person, repeated over a period, involves an imbalance of power, and acts to exclude the victim from a group. Bullying can occur in various ways and anyone can become the target of bullying, including students in the school. It may include physical violence, such as kicking, hitting or hair ripping.  It is further characterized by the bully repeatedly using the higher social status they have over the victim to exert power and to hurt the victim. It may just as well involve harassment, name-calling, gossiping, outing, rumor spreading, threats, or other forms of intimidation expand from being done in person or by phone to the use of emails, chat rooms, blogs, or other social media over the Internet. Nowadays, it is so important to find the causes students bullying their friends at school because being bullied is not easy.

What is the pattern of behavior and values shared by a family, whether the behavior was polite and respectful, obeys and understand each other, or behaviors like swearing, comparing and violence if it does not obtain what it children wants? Well, that is how the values embedded in the minds of children at home and put into effect are the values they embrace and express, both inside and outside the home (can be both or even in one environment). Lack of involvement and attention of parents to children who are bullies usually have a less healthy parenting process from the surrounding environment, parents, and extended family. In addition, bullying actors usually have a temperament that is difficult to handle properly. As a result, it will encourage children to imitate it to be practiced on their friends who are considered weak at school. A survey conducted by the British Society of 10th-grade students in the UK said that around 1/7 students had been ignored by parents. The report was released by The University of York, the Children's Society on Tuesday (11/29/2016). Researchers from the University of York conducted a sample survey of around 2000 adolescents aged 12-15 years from 72 schools in the UK. These teens were asked about how their parents behaved (treatment) every day. The results show that among these adolescents, at least one in seven of them had experienced some form of neglect by their parents. Behavior in the form of neglect of parents in related surveys includes: Do not care when the child moves outside, does not immediately pay attention when they fall ill, is not interested in their education. cannot provide emotional support or encouragement when they encounter problems. Sadly, parents should be accustomed to giving positive feedback to children so that they are accustomed to communicating well at home so that it will apply as long as the child is in school.

The UNICEF and Kominfo research released in 2014 released by 400 respondents (aged 10-19 years) in 17 provinces, also found children who were very vulnerable to being victims of bullying. The study was conducted in 2011 and 2012 and involved a sample representing 400 children and adolescents from urban and rural areas in 11 provinces. Furthermore, focus group discussions were held in Medan, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Balikpapan, and Jayapura. The researchers conducted an online survey in late 2012 and 2013 through Facebook and Kaskus. The study revealed only the percentage of respondents arrested were oppressed, and among them, 13 percent had been victims for the previous three months. Bullying behavior is often also treated by students themselves as common events. Students who will become seniors want a tradition to continue and show power, revenge, jealousy or seeking popularity. Seniority that is misinterpreted and used as an opportunity or reason for bullying against the junior does not stop in a period. This is not uncommon as an unwritten rule that is passed down and down to the next level. This is because the perpetrators feel that they have been treated harshly and humiliated so that the perpetrators hold grudges and irritations that will be ventured to weaker or junior people when they are senior. The spirit of wanting to dominate the victim with physical power and sexual attraction, namely the desire to show the strength that is owned so that the victim does not dare to fight it. To increase the popularity of actors among peers, namely the desire to show self-existence, seek attention and want to be famous. Victims often feel that they deserve to be treated like that (bully) so that the victim just silences this happening repeatedly to him. The existence of peers who have a negative influence by spreading ideas (both actively and passively) that bullying is not a big problem and is a natural thing to do. According to Djwuta Ratna (2005) in his time, children had the desire to no longer depend on their families and began to assess seeking support and security from their peers. So bullying occurs because of demands for conformity.

At least but not least, with the development of technology, especially information technology, such as the internet, television, etc., indirectly affects the lives of its people. The influence given can be positive and negative. As an example of the positive impact is the increase in knowledge and insight possessed, networks are easily obtained, etc. While the example of the negative impact is that many people no longer work/try hard to get something, tend to want to get in an instant way and act in all ways to get what they want. In this case, the most influential changes that occur in society, in general, are television with a variety of shows offered, such as soap operas, soap operas, comedy, cartoons, reality shows which mostly have a negative impact, especially for the development of children and adolescents. Although there are several television shows that have positive impacts, such as news, natural phenomena, etc. Television and print media form a pattern of bullying behavior in terms of the shows they display. According to Wilson, TV shows, films and other reading materials can have negative behavioral effects such as; anti-social, low sensitivity to violence, increasing fear of being victims of violence/bullying, and learning aggressive behavior. Compass surveys (Saripah, 2006) showed that 56.9% of children imitated the film scenes they watched, generally they imitated their movements (64%) and their words (43%).

In sum, it is expected that the school can improve discipline in schools and provide counseling to bullying actors. Teachers are expected to play an active role in preventing the occurrence of bullying in schools, set a good example, reduce acts of violence as punishment, provide information about watching or television programs that are good to watch for students. Parents are expected to guide children with exemplary teaching and example and not to let children do things without parental supervision such as the use of electronic media and mass media. Monitor children's development, especially children's emotional and social development.

1 komentar:

  1. Hello avivah. I don't understand which part of your thesis statement.
