Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Sandra Yunira (17882030124)


           Bullying is one of human rights violations that often occur among children and adolescents. Nowadays, the awareness of the younger generation about the dangers of bullying is still lacking. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is manifested by rude treatment and the use of force to influence other people, which is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, and involves an imbalance of power and authorization. This behavior can take various forms, ranging from verbal insults, physical violence, extortion, intimidation, SARA discrimination to cyber bullying. All of that can happen anytime and anywhere. bullying is an act that violates the human rights especially in freedom of fear, the right to get protection and freedom of social justice.
           Based on the four freedom declaration of human rights in 1948, everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Bullying victims who experience fear will have psychological disorders, the disorder can also affect the physical condition of the victim, disturbing his mental and cyclic means that their rights are difficult to disturb. In Indonesia, many children have become victims of bullying, one of which is Chika Ayu. Reporting from the news site, a fifth grade student at SDN 02 Bintara, Bekasi, who was only 11 years old, was traumatized and did not want to go to school again after being victimized by bullying by her classmates. According to aunt's victim, the acts of violence experienced by her niece took place in the school environment during recess on Wednesday 21 October 2015. Initially, Chika was bullied with ridicule from her friends. They mocked Chika as "Burik". Chika then cried with her head down in her chair. Not only until there, his friends instead occupied Chika's head until her face was bruised. The incident was very alarming.
            Bullying behavior including human rights violations which are considered quite heavy. Based on the Child Protection Act No.23 of 2002 Article 13, every child has the right to be protected from discrimination. Obviously there are a lot of victims of bullying rights that have been taken by the perpetrators, such as the right to obtain security, the right to be respected , the right to protection from discrimination, and so on. In addition, this behavior is also not in accordance with the norms of any religion. Of course, every religion on this earth teaches us to respect each other.
            Based on the 1945 Constitution, the 4th paragraph has the right to justice. If we analyze from the point of view of the Pancasila, the behavior of bullying contradicts the second principle of Pancasila which reads "just and civilized humanity". This behavior is certainly very inhumane and uncivilized because the offender has degrading and labeling the victim poorly. In addition, we all as young people of Indonesia should be able to inspire the motto "Unity in Diversity", different but still one. Respect is an important key to this problem. If everyone can respect the rights of others, bullying will not happen anywhere. Ironically, many parties do not take this problem seriously. The case of bullying is not something that is simple and can be solved by the child himself. There are many solutions that we can do to prevent bullying behavior in the younger generation.
So, an effective character education is needed in teaching children and adolescents about the dangers and effects of bullying for others. By knowing this, children can also learn to respect the rights of others. Learning like this can be taught through Religion lessons, Civics Education, or in the form of socialization from Counseling Guidance (BK) owned by the school. In addition, there needs to be supervision and attention from both the government, educational institutions, the public and parents so that bullying cases do not occur again. If there are students who are victims of bullying, the school, friends and parents need to provide support and attention to the child to continue to be patient and remain confident. We also should guide the child in solving his problem well to the root. In cases of bullying that create depression and prolonged trauma, parents should take the child to a psychologist.THE CRUEL BULLYING !

Bullying is one of human rights violations that often occur among children and adolescents. Nowadays, the awareness of the younger generation about the dangers of bullying is still lacking. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is manifested by rude treatment and the use of force to influence other people, which is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, and involves an imbalance of power and authorization. This behavior can take various forms, ranging from verbal insults, physical violence, extortion, intimidation, SARA discrimination to cyber bullying. All of that can happen anytime and anywhere. bullying is an act that violates the human rights especially freedom of fear, the right to get protection and freedom of social justice.
Based on the four freedom declaration of human rights in 1948, everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Bullying victims who experience fear will have psychological disorders, the disorder can also affect the physical condition of the victim, disturbing his mental and cyclic means that their rights are difficult to disturb. In Indonesia, many children have become victims of bullying, one of which is Chika Ayu. Reporting from the news site, a fifth grade student at SDN 02 Bintara, Bekasi, who was only 11 years old, was traumatized and did not want to go to school again after being victimized by bullying by her classmates. According to aunt's victim, the acts of violence experienced by her niece took place in the school environment during recess on Wednesday 21 October 2015. Initially, Chika was bullied with ridicule from her friends. They mocked Chika as "Burik". Chika then cried with her head down in her chair. Not only until there, his friends instead occupied Chika's head until her face was bruised. The incident was very alarming.
Bullying behavior including human rights violations which are considered quite heavy. Based on the Child Protection Act No.23 of 2002 Article 13, every child has the right to be protected from discrimination. Obviously there are a lot of victims of bullying rights that have been taken by the perpetrators, such as the right to obtain security, the right to be respected , the right to protection from discrimination, and so on. In addition, this behavior is also not in accordance with the norms of any religion. Of course, every religion on this earth teaches us to respect each other.
Based on the 1945 Constitution, the 4th paragraph has the right to justice. If we analyze from the point of view of the Pancasila, the behavior of bullying contradicts the second principle of Pancasila which reads "just and civilized humanity". This behavior is certainly very inhumane and uncivilized because the offender has degrading and labeling the victim poorly. In addition, we all as young people of Indonesia should be able to inspire the motto "Unity in Diversity", different but still one. Respect is an important key to this problem. If everyone can respect the rights of others, bullying will not happen anywhere. Ironically, many parties do not take this problem seriously. The case of bullying is not something that is simple and can be solved by the child himself. There are many solutions that we can do to prevent bullying behavior in the younger generation.
So, an effective character education is needed in teaching children and adolescents about the dangers and effects of bullying for others. By knowing this, children can also learn to respect the rights of others. Learning like this can be taught through Religion lessons, Civics Education, or in the form of socialization from Counseling Guidance (BK) owned by the school. In addition, there needs to be supervision and attention from both the government, educational institutions, the public and parents so that bullying cases do not occur again. If there are students who are victims of bullying, the school, friends and parents need to provide support and attention to the child to continue to be patient and remain confident. We also should guide the child in solving his problem well to the root. In cases of bullying that create depression and prolonged trauma, parents should take the child to a psychologist.

5 komentar:

  1. hi Sandra! i think better if you give your own argument before you put the data in your supporting paragraph.

  2. hi sandra , I am find same paragraf in your essay.

  3. Hello~ why you put (so) in paragrph 5? Is it conclusion? and please give space

  4. Hi Sandra, Why your paragraph is too long and same . i think your made mistake.

  5. You should be able to be more careful because you have entered 2 times the same paragraph
