Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Jessica Paulima (1788203035)

All of this because of you, bullying!!

Bullying is an action that results in a mental disorders. River, Poteat, Noret, and Ashurst (2009) suggest that bullying is part of everyday life, most students in school, victims of intimidation or bullying have a negative impact that is related to their mental health such as causing psychological disorders, depression, and worse is being able to cause suicide.

Bullying actors will get satisfaction from their actions. They are afraid of being rivaled, so they oppress the others. Bullying people consider themselves the most powerful, most powerful than victims of bullying. Bullying perprators also consider themselves the trust even though by bullying he will be hated by others. They don't care what impact they have on the victims of bullying. And oppressed victims are helpless individuals who are unable to resist and surrender to the conditions they experience.

The impact of bullying that often occurs is the occurrence of psychological disorders. Psychological symptoms that will occur in bully-victim children such as anxiety or anxiety, fatigue, reduced, moody, self-blame and easily angry. According to data (WHO), there are around 450 milion peoples who experience psychological disorders.

In addition to psychological disorders, the second mental disorder that often occurs is depression. Depression is a common mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability worldwide. Depression is characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, tiredness, and poor concentration.

According to WHO (2018) data, 
an estimated 300 million people are affected by depression.
Children who suffer from depression due to bullying, many runs into "negative" examples such as torturing themselves (self-destruction), alcohol, psycho-addictive substances, posssessing uncomfortable feelings, fear of going out of the house ti socialize in real, bitter experiences and sad feelings always haunt everyday, rejected by the environment, and treated likr arbitrarily humbling themselves.

Suicide. Suicide is a fatal impact of mental disorders. According to data (WHO), nearly one million peoples commit suicide every day. Bully victims committed suicide because they were no longer able and stressed.

So, Bullying or what we call suppression is familiar to us. That until now there are still many cases of bullying that still have not been dealt with and are often experienced by everyone regardless of age, from the young to the old, even from the closest person even the family.  Bullying that often occurs in children is considered the initial form of violence that occurs in adolescence and is a form of behavioral disorder. And bullying has an impact starting from psychological disorders, depression, and even attempting suicide.

After knowing what bullying is and its effects, let's together dare to say "NO" to bullying. Don't be a bully don't want to be bullied.

3 komentar:

  1. Hello~ why you put many paragraph? That make me confused about main idea and supporting idea

  2. jesicca, i found that in your essay you split paragraph 3 and 4, whereas you still talk about psychological disorder. it makes us difficult to deal where is your thesis statement

  3. why are there different formats of writing in the middle of the paragraph? is there any meaning?
