Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Indah Karina - 1788203064


            There are many actions that people can and can not accept in this life, many actions are not acceptable if it is harm someone’s life such as bullying. Think twice before you bullying someone, many times when a kid tease or making fun of their friend people might think it is an okay action or it is a habitual that children normally do. However, those action are not acceptable especially in the young age, because it is bullying. Being a victim of bullying can have a negative impacts in children’s psychology.  
            The most violent effect of bullying in children psychology is depression. Victims in bullying had significantly higher chances for depression. According to an article “Bullying Behaviour and Associations with Psychosomatic Complaints and Depression Victims” by Minne Fekkes, MSc, Frans I.M. Pijpers,MD,PHD and S.Pauline Verloove Vannhorick, MD, PHD, University of Sydney conducted a sample that show rations from 2766 elementary school, children age 9 to 12 years were follows : haeadache 3.0, sleeping problem 2.4, abdominal pain  3.2, bed wetting 2.9, feeling tired 3.4 and depression 7.7. This data prove that bullying must be stop because it is definitely harm for children’s psychology and it caused depression which is not a good aspect for children when they are still growing up.
            Victims in bullying often experiencing anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is a health disorder that causes sufferers to experience excessive difficulties that involve fear and worry about difficulties in everyday life. Anxiety is also a long term effects of bullying. According to the data from a researcher Lucy Bowes in “Sibling Bullying and Risk of Depression, Anxiety and Self-Harm” vol 134 issue 4 shows that a longitudinal study using data from more than 6900 participants of a UK community based birth cohort (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) who reported on at 12 years old  siblings bullied and anxiety has OR (oods ratio) 1.83 ; 95% and CI (confidence Interval) 1.19 -2.81 and P < 001. The data shows clearly that anxiety taking place seriously in children psychology when they become a bullying victims.
            Other adverse effects that should not be underestimated is traumatic to the bullying victims. The American Psychiatry Association’s (Stephen Joseph, Ph.D) current definition posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) introduced in 1994, states that a person must have experienced or witnessed an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others, and which involved fear, helplessness, or horror. The PTSD data by a researcher from University of Bergen, Morten Birkeland Nielsen  conducted that at an average 57% of victims reported symptoms of PTSD above thresholds for case ness and a correlation of 42 (95% CI : 36-48 ; P <001) was found between bullying and overall symptom-score of PTSD. Traumatic also can be a long-term effect in children psychology and it might caused children a bad way in making an actions.
            There are none aspects  of bullying that give benefit in children’s psychology. Bullying has nothing to do with their good life. In the other hand, bullying caused children lots of unacceptable things that they do not need as a children and as a growing personality. Children’s life must be way more safe and comfortable without actions of bullying. And society without bullying is a safe place for children to keep the healthiness of their psychology .Those are the reasons why bullying has to be stopped in the first place.

4 komentar:

  1. hi sis, what happen to your essay in last paragraph? I think I get problem when I read your essay .😊

  2. Hi indah~ Where is your thesis statement and conclusion?

  3. I can't see conclusions in your writing

  4. Hello indah , your essay in data complete but where the thesis statement in your essay?
