Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Ratih Saltri Yudar - 1788203008

The Causes of Bullying
Bullying is not a new thing in this modern era. Bullying happens to somebody with any reasons that sometimes with undescribed reasons. According to Monks et al., (2009), “Bullying can happen in various contexts, in childhood or adult life”. No matter what, someone shouldn’t get bullying just because something that wasn’t supposed to be the reason it happened.
In many cases, someone gets bully because of disabilities, and these cases could happen to children or adult. Bullying because of disabilities happens more often to children and they get bully from the nearest people, such as other students in the school or other children near their house.  Based on a survey in Northern Ireland by RSM McClure Watters (2001), “Bully cases because of disabilities often happens to children in primary or post-primary school”. Actually, rather than bullying disabilities person, others with a normal physique should support or take care and help them to get the same treatment as others.
Disabilities, not the only reason bullying happens to someone, physique also could be the other reason for bullying cases happens. Physique bullying not only because someone is too fat, but sometimes it’s also because someone has a thin body. Based on research entitled "The causes of bullying: results from the National Survey Health (PeNSE)” showed that bullying was more recurrent between someone were either have too fat or too thin body image.
For some case, children with a genetic predisposition or sometimes also called genetic susceptibility has higher possibilities to make bullying happens. Research entitled "Cause of Bullying in Boarding High School in Zimbabwe", shown that genetic predisposition is one of several factors that contribute to bullying behaviors. Tatum (1993) has suggested, children with a genetic predisposition to bullying may have a possibility for bullying lowered through the provision of the boarding school environment in which relations between students are positive.
Lastly, bullying cases could happen to anyone, anywhere and anytime with some reason from others that did not have empathy. Disabilities, too fat or too thin, physique or genetic predisposition should not be a reason for bullying. As a human, we should respect them and show our empathy with treating them like we treat others who have the normal condition, and also help them when they fell down because they’re not confident with their self. Support is something what they really need from others and let’s help them to avoid bullying.

6 komentar:

  1. I think human has damage bullying must giving respect and confident.

  2. Hii ratih , I see in your title "cause" but in your essay I see you only focus on "cases".

  3. hi Ratih! better if you give main idea in introduction, so that the readers can focus to read your essay.

  4. Hi Ratih, it looks like your thesis statement isn't clear. you better mention it more specific about what causes of bullying you will explain in your supporting paragraph

  5. Hi sist. I think your essay is too broad and not detailed. You don't convey your idea to a specific issue.

  6. i think your essay disconnected with tittle. you explain about cases in bullying. so, what the conclusion in your essay?
