Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Siska Pradina (1788203017)

Bullying Effect, Is It Dangerous?

     According to Rigby (1994) bullying is an action or behavior that aims to hurt someone intentionally and wants to make the victim suffer. In the past few years the actions of bullying have become increasingly rampant, and many acts of bullying have occurred among students in Indonesia. If this continues, it will damage the future of someone who is a victim of bullying. Besides that bullying is very bad influence on a person's mental condition.

     Bullying victims will be depressed. Bullying can be experienced by anyone regardless of age, the case of bullying that occurs a lot among children and adolescents is very alarming, even many of them are depressed and will greatly disrupt their daily activities. The victims of bullying are very depressed and very depressed with actions that make it very uncomfortable. This can be proven by data that occurs in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta. A journal entitled 'Verbal bullying caused by depression in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta', published in 2017 and written by Gitry Marela, Abdul Wahab, and Carla Raymondalexas Marchira. In the journal the authors state that the results of the statistical tests show the relationship between bullying and depression in adolescents. Based on the statistical results of bullying that occurs in high school adolescents in Yogyakarta is very high. Most victims of bullying are verbally bullied, and victims who experience depression are as many as 48.5% of women who experience depression and 29.9% of men who experience depression due to bullying.

     The next bad impact that will be experienced by victims of bullying is the loss of self-confidence. With bad actions done by someone against other people can affect one's confidence. This can be evidenced by a study conducted at SMAN 7 Pekanbaru and written in a journal written by Hertika Nanda Putri, Fathra Annis Nauli, and Riri Novayelinda published in 2015. In this journal examining the relationship between self-confidence and bullying behavior, The data states that the majority of students who have low self-confidence have high bullying behavior, namely as many as 23 respondents (65.7%) compared to respondents with high self-confidence who have low bullying behavior, namely as many as 19 respondents (24.3%). This research proves that there is a significant relationship between bullying behavior and the loss of one's confidence.

     Furthermore, the most terrible adverse effects of bullying behavior are victims of suicide. If the bullying action continues and has exceeded the limit, the victim will be depressed, resulting in his suicide. In general, victims of bullying are introverted and don't tell ssomething to many people, including their families. This can cause depression to be out of control because it saves all its own problems, if this is ignored and does not get the attention, there will be many victims suicide. This can be proven by the news published on written by Muhammad Fauzi and published in 2018, in the news stating that a child committed suicide because he was pressured by the attitude of his friends who always told him to do the assignment. The child with the initials TTP was determined to commit suicide in his room and soon his body was found by his sister.

     The conclusion is that bullying cannot be underestimated or let alone. Children must always be watched and monitored by parents and teachers in the school. If there is a suspicious child's attitude or behavior, immediately ask what happened to the child. It is very sad if more and more victims of bullying occur among students, preferably as parents or as teachers can be advisors and also act as friends for these children, so that the child can freely tell about all the problems that are being experienced. With the many adverse effects that occur due to bullying, as much as possible bulyying actions must be stopped.

2 komentar:

  1. Hi Siska, I see there are no main ideas in your essay, I see main ideas only through supporting but not in main ideas.
