Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

Novia Sariahta Silalahi - 1788203020


Bullying is an action or reaction that is intimidating or harming a person, whereas according to Olweus (2005) bullying is a behavior that is repeated to a weaker victim. In modern times bullying had seemed to be a habit or usual things everyone including children at schools on bullying acts essentially raises bad effect for the victims. Even for a country, Indonesia ranks second highest bullying cases after Japan. Bullying and therefore must be stopped Because Because it would have negative impacts on students.
The first of all is causes a feeling of lack of student confidence. Self-confidence is an important component in human life, including students, and may also determine the fate of the next student life. The confidence of pupils obviously is reduced or wiped out if getting treatment bullying either physical or speech. According to Owelnus (in Aluedse, 2016), the confidence of children or students who have been treated bullying will have the confidence that is lower than those of the untreated bullying because they will feel fear and anxiety. Which with low confidence will have a bad effect for students who are victims of example victim realizes that he has the ability or aptitude in a certain subject but because it has low confidence then the victim does not develop. And will affect the lives of students amidst the optimism of bullying is to make the victim's life expectancy expected to die slowly.
The second is the make students experience a disruption in socializing activities. Indeed, humans are social beings or depend on each other. The activity of student socialization is important because through it the student can develop and progress, both in academic or non-academic. But it will be different for students who are victims of bullying because victims of bullying do not want to socialize even become anti-social. How not, it is because he traumatized the victim will act so that victims get started closing up to others. And since the shut down will cause the student victims of bullying to have difficulty even can not socialize with his friends or people around nicely.
And the last is the which causes depression leads to suicide. Explanation Sejiwa (2008) state that the psychological impact on the victim of bullying is the emergence of psychological disorders such as depression and even the emergence of the idea of ​​suicide. Based on statistical data KPAI cases of bullying in schools 22.4% per May 30, 2018. As one example of a case that occurred in one of the students bullied commit suicide is EL (16), one of the students of SMAN 1 Bangkinang, RIAU. Bullied commit suicide due to the already heavy depress strong and had not received treatment should not accept. Especially at school age, most students are not too long to think that taking shortcuts like suicide to resolve their problems.
In conclusion, the act of bullying must be eradicated and stopped. That is because making victims of bullying have a private and a bad future. Even students bullying can kill a victim of bullying.

9 komentar:

  1. Hi novia, Your essay is good but be better if you give data in second supporting paragraf.

    1. Thank you for the input, but I wrote based on the data below
      Eunice Aprilia Tawalujan, Rina Kudre, Sefti Rompas, 2018, Bullying Relationships with Self-Esteem in STATE 10 Adolescents in junior Manado, Manado, e-journal of Nursing (e_Kp) volume 6 No. 1.
      Faiz Rabbani, 2018, Confidence in Students Become A Victim Of Bullying, Surakarta, Manuscript Publication.
      Ricca Novalia, 2016 Impact of Bullying on Children's Psychosocial Conditions in Social Village Pingit, Yogyakarta, Bibliography.
      Gede Surya Kardiana, Wayan Westa, 2015 Overview Depression Levels Against Bullying Behavior in Students in SMP PGRI 2 DENPASAR.
      But I forgot to include the author.

  2. Hi novia, ur essay its clear but i think u can add more data in supporting 1 thanks

    1. Thank you for the input, but I wrote based on the data below
      Eunice Aprilia Tawalujan, Rina Kudre, Sefti Rompas, 2018, Bullying Relationships with Self-Esteem in STATE 10 Adolescents in junior Manado, Manado, e-journal of Nursing (e_Kp) volume 6 No. 1.
      Faiz Rabbani, 2018, Confidence in Students Become A Victim Of Bullying, Surakarta, Manuscript Publication.
      Ricca Novalia, 2016 Impact of Bullying on Children's Psychosocial Conditions in Social Village Pingit, Yogyakarta, Bibliography.
      Gede Surya Kardiana, Wayan Westa, 2015 Overview Depression Levels Against Bullying Behavior in Students in SMP PGRI 2 DENPASAR.
      But I forgot to include the author.

  3. Hello Novia, I think your thesis is not clear yet, bcs you dont explain the negative impact in the thesis. I mean the negative impact for psychology or physical? You must make your thesis clear novia:)

    1. thanks for the input but the thesis is like the description of the essay, for an explanation there is in the next paragraph siska.

  4. Hello Novia , where is the data of supporting argument 2? Thankyou.

  5. when you mention in your thesis statement that bullying have negative impacts, can you explain in which part is the negative impacts according to your body paragraph?

  6. Hello novia, you have a great essay, but it'll be nice if you make your conclusion longer than what was you made now, Thank you
