Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Nelia Gari (1788203037)

Bullying! why are you torturing me?

For now, the action of bullying is already familiar to the public, the act of bullying itself cannot be stopped and underestimated because bullying is a very serious problem in the environment. Bullying is an action taken by a group of people or individuals. Where bullying can torture the heart even physically the victim slowly, because this bullying is an act or behavior carried out by hurting the physical and psychological forms of the victim, as published in the child therapy "sun discourse." common 'the act of bullying can be done by hitting or kicking the victim's physicality, and insulting the victim's feelings and the physical or psychology of the victim even threatening the victim's life. According to "Dan Olweus, Bullying at School (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1993),“I define bullying or victimization in the following general way: 
A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is ex-posed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students". And usually, the perpetrators of bullying are people who feel that they are better, stronger and more perfect than the victim. This bullying can occur anywhere, can occur in the social environment, especially in interacting in society, this bullying can have a negative effect and can result in negative things and actions from victims such as intimidated victims will be brave enough to commit suicide."(CNN),A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday".higher intimidation of victims will cause death, such as physical violence to victims". Not even the negative effects that occur if the bullying is not immediately followed up then will cause other effects, namely, intimidation can make the victim feel inferior, feel lonely and always feel afraid "(from"
 First of all bullying, that occurs in social interactions will result in things that are bad and fatal if this action is not Immediately stopped. The intended consequences are victims who are bullied will be brave enough to commit suicide or end their lives"(CNN),A 9-year-old boy in Colorado took his life days after starting the fourth grade last week. He had recently come out as gay to his mother, who believes that bullying was a factor in his death, she told HLN's Mike Galanos on Tuesday".Because social interaction is a relationship between individuals and groups and between individuals and individuals if the relationship is not good then it creates bullying bullying between groups or individuals that will result in death because of this the victim will feel pressured and tortured so that it can lead to behavior or actions that can hurt themselves even if it does not have friends anymore that can be used as a backrest or a friend to confide in, so the victim's thoughts and hearts will be filled with negative things that can cause bad things that will happen if not noticed or stopped. 
Furthermore, the effects of poor social interaction also result in victims being physically tortured, this is because the intimidation of higher victims will cause death, such as physical violence to victims "Why the bully-killing,teen finally snapped Lorena Mongelli, Larry Celona, Jamie Schram and Kirstan Conley,Fearing for his life,'Noel allegedly killed Timothy with a 6-inch kitchen knife, stabbing him three times".Bullying is not only mentally done but sometimes bullying can physically be like kicking, hitting until the victim loses his staff. Although sometimes the effects of bullying do not react quickly sometimes this lasts a long time, if physical bullying is not immediately stopped it will cause casualties. Therefore it is expected that parents play a role important in building good social interaction ( so that it does not cause the word bullying because the first teaching of a child starts from a small environment, namely the family, so educate children from an early age so that they can respect and love the people around them.

And finally there is one effect of bullying that is very concerned if we see, the bullying that occurred in the social environment did not only result yesterday but also caused mental disruption to victims where intimidation could make victims feel inferior, feel lonely and always feel afraid  "(JC Reporter, One of the worst impacts of bullying is that it can change who you are. I know a lot of people who haven’t been able to cope with it and who have turned to self harm, alcohol or drugs. It’s true that bullying can make you stronger and wiser in some respects, but it also lowers your confidence, damages your self esteem and leaves you feeling insecure — which changes how you make friends in the future)".victims of bullying will always be afraid of this because victims feel that they are in danger and their lives are in danger of dying, so victims of bullying often feel afraid of everyone and avoid crowded places (Dr. Tania Savitri - General Practitioner) usually the victims of bullying also feel inferior or will lose self-confidence and always assume that they are not worthy of being loved and appreciated besides that victim of bullying will always feel lonely and have no relationship with others anymore.

So social interaction is very important in a good relationship because if the social interaction relationship is not good, it will cause negative things. And if this bullying is not considered or just let it go then there will be many negative effects that will be caused, to reduce the bullying effect above, the bullying actors must be given sanctions that can deter them from doing so again. And it must be given an understanding of this.

6 komentar:

  1. Neliaa, i think your introduction is too long, and I don't find "feel inferior" in supporting argument 1 as you mentioned in your thesis statement

  2. Nelia, I don't understand from the beginning of your title, because there is a sentence "why-why are you torturing me"

  3. Hi, Nelia. I'm a little bit confused with your thesis statement. I can't find which one is your main idea, whether you want to talk about the negative effects of bullying in general or in social interaction, because when I read the supporting paragraph and conclusion, it talked about in social interaction. make it more clear okay

  4. Can you explain your title? I think your title does not match the title of the essay

  5. Where the thesis statement? I dont get it... And maybe u can make this essay more clear with ur own word? Its make me confuse..

  6. nelia i think your title is not clear. why you put why-why in your title. you must put the right punctuation there.
