Senin, 27 Mei 2019

Indah Karina Sianturi - 1788203064 (Early Childhood Education Essay)

What is the Importance of Early Childhood Education?

            Early childhood education is an education that preparing children before go to elementary school. Early childhood education offered for children under six years old through various types of media and methods. Institutionally, early childhood education that already exist in Indonesia is a package in the form of Kindergarten and Playgroup but people can do it independently. Early Childhood Education (ECE) aims to help the cognitive and social development of preschool children before they enter the elementary school. At an early age of 0-6 years the brain develops extremely fast up to 80%. At that age the brain receives and absorbs various kind of information, does not see good and bad. Those are the times when children’s physical, mental and spiritual development will begin to form. Because of this, many people said that this kind of period called the golden age.
            Based on the result of the study, around 50% of the intelligence of adults has occurred when a child is 4 years old, 80% has developed rapidly about brain cell when the child is 8 years old and reaches its peak when the child is 18 years old, and after that despite improvements in nutrition will not affect cognitive development. According to Byrnes, early childhood education will provide preparation for children to face the future, the closest is facing school. “At the present, some kindergartens have asked students who want to register there to be able to read and count. In kindergarten, children had begun to be taught social skills and problem solving. Because those abilities can be formed from an early age” explained Byrnes.   
            Then according to Byrnes also, that early childhood education is important, because it is at the age that children form the best education. It is at this age that children must form their readiness to face school and the future. And this is also the best investment that can be given to children is educational preparation at an early age. Indeed, it cannot be denied that early childhood education is a very basic and strategic education in the development of human resources. Once the importance of education is not surprising that many countries pay enormous attention to the implementation of this education until the Indonesian government also provides free education services up to the junior high level. Therefore, early childhood education is very important for Indonesian children in the future.
            A lot of psychological flow talk about the importance of self-esteem or humanism self-esteem, especially Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Rogers divide the concept of self into three parts, namely : (1) self-ideal, (2) self-image, and (3) self-esteem. Self-image is perception that we are against ourselves. Whereas assessment against ourselves, good-bad, smart-stupid this is called self-esteem. People who have self-esteem optimal is called self-ideal. High and low self-esteem depending on the ideal distance between yourself (ideal self) and self-image. If long, low self-esteem. But if the distance is short the pride is high (Musbikin,2004 : 96)
            Harter in Papalia (2009:383) say that as well as self-concept, self-esteem in the early childhood tends to be all or nothing; ‘I’m good’ or ‘I’m bad’. Only in middle childhood can a personal evaluation of competence and ability based on internalizing a child’s parent or social standard become important in shaping or maintaining a feeling of self-worth. In some literature, the term of self-perception is also used which is a collection of beliefs and feelings that children have towards themselves. This assessment is very influential on the emotional development, behaviour and adaptation of children in the social environment. Children usually judge themselves in a simple form, for example “I can wear my own clothes already” or “I have many friends”. How high self-esteem of children is very influential in the preschool period where they begin to learn to learn new things.  
            Self-esteem is a continuous process. Self-esteem that has been formed at an early age will have a very significant influence on the behaviour of children’s lives in the future. Real steps and the use of appropriate strategies need to be done by the teacher and the school in order to pour out the development of children’s self-esteem in the process learning. It must be realized that the growth of respect their children for oneself is inseparable from how other people respect their children. So the important is the development of self-esteem for each individual, it is necessary to have synergic cooperation between teachers in schools and parents.

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Sabtu, 18 Mei 2019

muhamad rahmadeny 1788203043(early education)


            According to the law 20 Article 1, point 14 of 2003 on Early Childhood Education (ECD) is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age 6 years conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to help the growth and development of the physical and spiritual so that children have the readiness to enter further education. Education is an important asset for the progress of a nation, therefore, every citizen is obliged to follow education, better early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education or higher. In the field of education a child from birth require appropriate care in fulfilling the needs of education along with the understanding of the characteristics of children according to their growth and development will be very helpful in tailoring the learning process for children with age, needs and conditions of each, intellectually, emotionally and social. The importance of education for young children, this is the level of education before primary education, which is a development efforts aimed at children from birth up to the age of six years are accomplished by providing stimulation of education to help the growth and development of the physical and spiritual so that children have preparedness entering further education, which was held in formal, non-formal and informal.  

            Improve Cognitive Skills, Social and Emotional Learning process is essentially divided into two concepts which take place simultaneously, namely the learning process performed by the kindergarten children and the learning process carried out by educators. Abin Syamsudin Ma'mun (1987: 4) also argued about the learning process, namely "the learning process can be defined as an interaction between children and educators in order to achieve the goal of teaching". The learning activities in kindergarten prioritizing play while learning and learning while playing. Naturally play to motivate children to learn something deeper, and spontaneously develop children's abilities. Playing basically concerned with the process than the results. According to the Opinion Bredekamp cited by Musitoh (2003: 5) "play is a important vehicle for children, social, emotional, and cognitive development "facilitate early childhood .Pendidikan children get the social environment that suited him. Here he can interact with more peers thus improving social and emotional skills. Interaction with friends would encourage him to learn to communicate and express feelings.
            Through a variety of teaching activities, children will begin to develop the cognitive ability to understand and analyze the problem. By observing children are encouraged to develop cognitive skills, for example in understanding the nature of the liquid, the benefits of eating vegetables, about colors, counting objects, and so forth.
            The learning activities in kindergarten prioritizing play while learning and learning while playing. Naturally play to motivate children to learn something deeper, and spontaneously develop children's abilities. Playing basically concerned with the process than the results. According to the Opinion Bredekamp cited by Musitoh (2003: 5) "play is a important vehicle for children, social, emotional, and cognitive development ".That is playing an important vehicle for social development, emotional, and cognitive reflected in the activities.

            Improve Communication Skills and Language Children will be taught to speak with current formal language in the classroom. Teachers will also provide guidance on how to talk nice and polite. Some activities such as playing and singing is also useful to add child's vocabulary. This will improve speech and language skills. To develop speaking skills, there are several aspects of speaking skills. Children's language ability should be optimized based on aspects that support the improvement of speaking skills. In the optimization speaking skills necessary instruments to observe the development of early childhood / kindergarten, refers to the indicators to be developed. According to Harun Rashid (2009: 134) the ability to say, vocabulary and sentence should be developed instrument for assessing, so it seems clear about the level of language skills of children. Meanwhile, according Suhartono (2005: 138) aspects to do with stimulating the interest of the speaking skills, drills combine the sounds of language, enriching vocabulary, introduce the sentence through stories and songs, and introduces the writing symbol.

            Improve Physical and Motor Skills Many lessons taught are encouraging creativity of children through fun activities. Such activity can improve fine motor skills through activities that rely on the movement of the fingers such as writing, holding, coloring, etc. They can also improve gross motor skills through activities that rely on the movement of the hands and feet such as hitting and kicking.
            Following the early childhood classroom to help children improve physical activity that is rarely done at home. Some activities that help children move more include gymnastics, sports, play, dance, and so forth. Early childhood experience physical and motor development, not unless the development of personality, character, emotional, intellectual, language, manners, and moral growing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, if the nation wants intelligent, and noble character  (Morality) education should be started from childhood.

            Children Creativity develop sensitivity to rhythm, tone, various sounds, as well as creative respect. (Yuliani Conscience, 2011: 42-43). Children who attend early childhood education classes are more likely to develop creativity. Some of the activities in the classroom to help children develop their creativity as playing, singing, composing puzzles, coloring pictures and other so on.In this stage children begin to learn about what he learned, sensitive to the environment from what is seen and heard.

            Preparing Children's Mental Taking Formal Education Through early childhood, many parents feel greatly helped prepare children to enter elementary school. Once entering formal schooling in elementary school, the child already has sufficient mental and some basic skills such as holding a pencil, recognize letters and numbers, lined up, and so forth. In addition to following the children early childhood can increase confidence. Many of the activities carried out in class that encourages children to be able to appear as singing, dancing, playing, and others. from that children already have the knowledge and attitudes that are ready to follow the formal education better.

            Conclusions Early childhood is the golden age throughout the age range of human development. This period is a sensitive period, during this period specifically child easily accept stimulus stimulus from the environment. At this time the child ready to perform various activities in order to understand and master the environment. Golden age is a period in which aak start sensitized to accept a variety of stimulation and a variety of environmental education efforts of both intentional and unintentional. In this sensitive period occurs maturation of physical and psychological functions that are ready to respond and to realize all the tasks developments are expected to emerge in the everyday behavior patterns.

Early childhood education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age 6 years conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to help the growth and development of children physically and mentally in order to have the readiness to enter further education.
Education in early childhood basically covers all efforts and actions of educators and parents in the process of care, upbringing and education of children by creating an aura and the environment in which children can explore the experience gives him a chance to know and understand the learning experience gained from environment, through observing, imitating and experimenting that goes repeatedly and involve all the potential and intelligence.

Yuliani Conscience. 2011. Basic Concept of Early Childhood Education. Jakarta: Index.
Masitoh et al. 2005. Learning Strategies kindergarten. Jakarta:

Sabtu, 11 Mei 2019

Ratih Saltri Yudar - 1788203008

Preschool, Is It Good Enough ?

Golden ages being a good time for parents to start educate their children and preschool being a good way to reach this goals. Preschool is a common things these days, because now almost all of parents who has child in golden ages would like to enroll their children to preschool. Preschool or early childhood education is a good beginning for children to entered school in the future and children wouldn’t be shock once they entered school because they have start to learn from preschool. Preschool has a really good goals for each children who entered, but is it the impact as good as the goals?
Barnet (1985, 1995, and 2008) mention that a studies showing a positive impact of early childhood education [or preschool] programs on [children] future development of individuals. That statement means preschool has a good impact because it’s good for children future development. Meanwhile, another studies even suggesting potential null or even negative effects [for children who entered preschool] (Lipsey, Farran, & Hofer, 2015).
Preschool helped children to gain more knowledge that really useful for children future academic. Gain knowledge from early education wouldn’t make student get shock once they start to study in future school. Moreover, this condition sometimes make children think so much than they have do before and it can being a factor children won’t to learn more at home.
Another reason why early childhood education was good because with preschool children can have a lot of friends to studying and playing. Because almost of golden ages children actually more likes to play than study.
Result of a research entitled “School-Based Early Childhood Education and Age-28 Well-Being: Effects by Timing, Dosage, and Subgroups” has shown that the preschool group [children] had significantly higher levels of educational attainment for three of four select outcomes, which means preschool give a good outcomes for children at that time and also for children future.
For children better future, children should have academic and intellectual skills, and preschool is one of a way to start children academic and intellectual skills improvement. Daley and Carlson (2009; Innocenti, 2005) said, “Studies that examine outcomes for students who placed early and then successfully transition out of special education find that these children continue to increase their gains in academic and intellectual functioning across later development”.
Parents always want to give the best things for their child since their child was really young and some parents start it with enrolled they children to preschool to reach this goals. Because early childhood education has many good impact even though there’s also bad impact, it still a good chance for parents to make a better future life for their children.
1.        The Added Impact of Parenting Education in Early Childhood Education Programs: A Meta-Analysis
2.        Long-term effects of public early childhood education on academic achievement in Chile
3.        School-Based Early Childhood Education and Age-28 Well-Being: Effects by Timing, Dosage, and Subgroups
4.        Impact of North Carolina’s Early Childhood Initiatives on Special Education Placements in Third Grade

Selasa, 07 Mei 2019

Wella Cisilya Putri 1788203030 (Early education)


Every parent must expect the best way for the future of his child. However, many parents are hesitant and do not understand the importance of education at an early age. What should young people receive an education? Or is it important for early education? regarding whether it is important or not, early education arises various statements regarding this matter. Both things that agree with the early education or reject the existence of early education.
According to Robert Coles wrote, "Our morals are greatly affected by our social environments in the important and influential early years, the environment is largely the parents and immediate family.” as children become socialized and enter schools, more and more of their moral character is open to the influence of peers and society ". From his studies suggest the factors of children moral lives are very rich and begin developing in infancy,  as they learn about good or bad behavior and interactions with others and observing behavior.
According to Bammett, “Experts agree that supporting early childhood education is a win-win for everyone. “It’s not just a cliché that we’re investing in our future”. He says, “These are the people who are going to be paying for our Social Security. These are the people who will be defending our country.”
According to David Elkind wrote, "if parents are able to provide pre-school age education at home, are quite competent and have dedication, in terms of enough time and energy to stimulate children specifically then preschool is actually not important". Why is it not important? Because if the home environment allows children to play with peers and meet adults other than parents. But if the conditions that occur are the opposite, the sign that preschool is important.
Ethridge, who is also a professor at the University of Oklahoma, says that in her state many preschools still have extensive waiting lists. "Because it's' not mandatory, they don't have to provide enough for every child," she says. Children also
The research from early childhood programs finds recent of studies demonstrate that state pre-kindergarten programs have had positive effects on children’s readiness to learn, with large impacts in some states. From the National Head Start, Impact Study finds, released in 2005, provide than previously existed of Head Start’s positive impacts on children. Evaluation of Early Head Start also found a range of small positive impacts on very young children’s cognitive skills, behavior, and health.
In conclusion, no matter the difference of opinion from an expert about formal early education, the benefit from receiving several types of education during the early years of their development to children. However, there is no one size that fits all the instructions that are most suitable for all children. While some children benefit greatly from early education, it may not be the best educational setting for other children. In most cases, children benefit most by receiving educational instructions from their parents. Why this is the instruction of early education? because parents are very important to evaluate the child's unique personality before determining which program is most suitable for children because not all programs benefit the child in the same way.


8.Elkind,D. 2005. Response to Objectivism and Education: The Educational Forum 69(4) 328-334
9.Department for Education (2011) The National Strategies 1997–2011 A brief Summary of the       Impact and Effectiveness of the National Strategies, London: HMSO. [Ref: 00032-2011PDF-EN-01]

10.The science of early childhood development. Washington, DC: National Academies 

Almira Hadita 1788203045 ( Early Education )


Early childhood education (ECE) is one branch of education that is related to teaching children formally and informally, up to the age of about seven years. the quality of early childhood education has a positive impact that is directly received by children. Many different "curricula" or teaching approaches can create an enriched learning environment for children. There are several curricula in several countries in early childhood education. The curriculum must reflect the child's development and include specific learning goals for children. A good curriculum provides a balance between play and structured activities. Based on Jean Piaget's research and philosophy, early childhood education often focuses on learning through games that meet physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social needs (PILES) in children.
The Montessori curriculum is a curriculum applied in Montessori schools to support the development of infants, children and adolescents from birth to adulthood. Among these methods, one popular method is Montessori Education. It was founded by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907. Montessori Education provides by grouping children from different age groups together in the same environment. But in the Montessori classroom environment, students are in a small community and spend time with peers. Students have a limited range of social activities in the Montessori education system. Montessori education is a lifestyle and not an educational method. The children stay in the montessori school an average of 2 to 3 years. of the 2000 children enrolled each year, only about 10 percent drop out.
Reggio Emilia is the ECE curriculum starting in the Italian city that respects teachers to build mutual respect with children. The Reggio Emilia approach focuses on projects where children are presented with certain concepts and they need to solve them through research, exploration and questions. Because learning is child-directed and project-based, it is very difficult to show parents that their children are actually learning. No worksheets were sent home, for example, to show that their child had learned their alphabet letters. This can be very detrimental to parents who want to immediately see the results of their child's work.
The Waldorf School was founded by Rudolf Steiner of Austria. Steiner designed his own education system in the early 20th century. The goal of Waldorf education is to help children get better: they not only learn how to read and write, but they learn how to communicate with each other. The Waldorf philosophy views education as an art, so that every subject, whether arithmetic, biology or English, is presented in a way of life that speaks at the stage of child development. Each subject is presented through direct experience and is usually coupled with art, poetry, music, drama and movement. However, many Waldorf students become very stressed because they always have several activities. And also the Waldorf school fees can be a barrier and are quite expensive, for the kind of patent full day program reaches $ 35,400.
The High Scope / Perry Preschool began in 1962. According to Schweinhart & Weikart (1999), High Scope focuses on children making their own decisions about what should be the focus of their learning. High Scope focus is planning, doing, and reviewing processes. Where children make plans about what they want to do in the classroom, then gather together with the class to review what they are doing. Children attend classes for two and a half hours every day for one or two years. Teachers receive training and curriculum supervision and work with small groups of five or six students (Schweinhart & Weikart, 1993).
Language immersion in preschoolers specifically concentrates on language learning. This educational philosophy, language as a teaching tool to give your child a comprehensive and satisfying foreign language experience. For example, children native to English can use Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, etc. As the target language, those who speak Spanish, French, German, Chinese, usually use English as their second language. Children who start learning foreign languages ​​after the general preschool age (ie 3-4) may have difficulty learning in immersion schools because of their brain development which can inhibit the ability to learn a second language more naturally. Although many parents worry that using two languages ​​will cause confusion for their children. Conversely, the use of two languages ​​in the same conversation has been found as a mastery of both languages ​​(Research quoted from the 2006 report at the Center for Applied Linguistics.)
So, there are many curricula for early childhood education that are good for you to apply, and have a positive effect on children's development in the future.



MATHILDA SUMBAYAK 1788203016 (Early Education)

What is The Purpose of Early Education Program?

There have been many names used to describe early childhood education programs designed for children before they enter school. Although no program is purely one thing or another, each type of program has historically emphasized a particular purpose and that purpose can influence decisions made by the teachers in the program.

The First is Day Care Centers. Day care centers have traditionally served the purpose of custodial care and have used by dual-working parents and single parents. These types of early childhood programs are certainly concerned with children’s development and learning but their primary purpose has been to provide a place for young children to be when their parents are unable to care for them in the home. In order to provide this service for parents, day care centers are usually the type of program that operates for the most hours.

The Second is Nursery Schools. Traditionally nursery schools have focused on the socio-emotional development of young children. Parents choose to send their children to this type of program so that their children would have the experience of playing and interacting with other children. These interactions might then lead to the children understanding the importance of sharing and cooperating. Nursery schools were very often part-time programs with children attending for a few hours a day.

The Third is Preschools. Some early childhood education programs focus on preparing children for the next level of schooling (Robert Shelley,2017), for example kindergarten and the early elementary grades. Programs with this emphasis might organize their curricula around pre-academic areas such as early literacy and number readiness.

The Fourth  is Compensatory Education Programs. The federally supported early childhood program, Head Start, is perhaps the most well known of this type of program. These programs are designed for young children who are at-risk for developmental issues and/or potential difficulties with school success. These issues can include the effects of poverty, speech and language delays, learning disabilities, and general developmental delays. The curricula and teaching approaches of compensatory education programs are targeted at the identified problems children may be experiencing.

And The Last is Parents should also consider the primary purpose of a program when they are making decisions about where to send their children.Early childhood educators have to be aware of children’s and families’ living environment and take this into account in their educational work. Interaction and cooperation skills are needed in cooperation with children, families, and partners. A good relationship parents and educators is an essential part of children’s well-being and these social skills are inseparable part of educators’ work. (Karila & Nummenmaa, 2001; National Curriculum Guidelines…, 2003)

In Conclusion is It’s also often referred to as preschool, pre-kindergarten, day care, nursery school or early education. No matter the name, each serves the same purpose: to prepare young children for their transition into elementary school. Education is not just for today and tomorrow. It’s like a life course. Early Childhood Programs help children learn how to learn, how to develop solutions to problems. It teaches steps and processes while increasing confidence.As parents and educators, we need to learn how to enhance children’s learning of life skills from resilience to social interactions to having fun with life! It’s a big job, but worthy endeavor.

Mwaura, P.; Mohamed, B.T. 2008. “Madrasa early childhood development program: Making a difference”, in M. Garcia, A. Pence and J. Evans (eds). Africa’s future, Africa’s challenge: Early childhood care and development in sub-Saharan Africa (Washington, DC, World Bank).

Penn, H. 2008. Early childhood education and care in Southern Africa. CfBT Education Trust (Reading, United Kingdom). Available at: ECEC_V7_WEB.pdf [19 Sep. 2011].

Sofou, E.; Tsafos, V. 2009. “Preschool teachers’ understanding of the national preschool
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Barnett, W.S. 2004. Preschool education and its lasting effects: Research and policy implications.Education and the Public Interest Center and Education Policy Research Unit (Boulder,Colorado and Tempe, Arizona, United States). Available at: [28 Aug. 2011].

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