Selasa, 07 Mei 2019

Almira Hadita 1788203045 ( Early Education )


Early childhood education (ECE) is one branch of education that is related to teaching children formally and informally, up to the age of about seven years. the quality of early childhood education has a positive impact that is directly received by children. Many different "curricula" or teaching approaches can create an enriched learning environment for children. There are several curricula in several countries in early childhood education. The curriculum must reflect the child's development and include specific learning goals for children. A good curriculum provides a balance between play and structured activities. Based on Jean Piaget's research and philosophy, early childhood education often focuses on learning through games that meet physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social needs (PILES) in children.
The Montessori curriculum is a curriculum applied in Montessori schools to support the development of infants, children and adolescents from birth to adulthood. Among these methods, one popular method is Montessori Education. It was founded by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907. Montessori Education provides by grouping children from different age groups together in the same environment. But in the Montessori classroom environment, students are in a small community and spend time with peers. Students have a limited range of social activities in the Montessori education system. Montessori education is a lifestyle and not an educational method. The children stay in the montessori school an average of 2 to 3 years. of the 2000 children enrolled each year, only about 10 percent drop out.
Reggio Emilia is the ECE curriculum starting in the Italian city that respects teachers to build mutual respect with children. The Reggio Emilia approach focuses on projects where children are presented with certain concepts and they need to solve them through research, exploration and questions. Because learning is child-directed and project-based, it is very difficult to show parents that their children are actually learning. No worksheets were sent home, for example, to show that their child had learned their alphabet letters. This can be very detrimental to parents who want to immediately see the results of their child's work.
The Waldorf School was founded by Rudolf Steiner of Austria. Steiner designed his own education system in the early 20th century. The goal of Waldorf education is to help children get better: they not only learn how to read and write, but they learn how to communicate with each other. The Waldorf philosophy views education as an art, so that every subject, whether arithmetic, biology or English, is presented in a way of life that speaks at the stage of child development. Each subject is presented through direct experience and is usually coupled with art, poetry, music, drama and movement. However, many Waldorf students become very stressed because they always have several activities. And also the Waldorf school fees can be a barrier and are quite expensive, for the kind of patent full day program reaches $ 35,400.
The High Scope / Perry Preschool began in 1962. According to Schweinhart & Weikart (1999), High Scope focuses on children making their own decisions about what should be the focus of their learning. High Scope focus is planning, doing, and reviewing processes. Where children make plans about what they want to do in the classroom, then gather together with the class to review what they are doing. Children attend classes for two and a half hours every day for one or two years. Teachers receive training and curriculum supervision and work with small groups of five or six students (Schweinhart & Weikart, 1993).
Language immersion in preschoolers specifically concentrates on language learning. This educational philosophy, language as a teaching tool to give your child a comprehensive and satisfying foreign language experience. For example, children native to English can use Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian, etc. As the target language, those who speak Spanish, French, German, Chinese, usually use English as their second language. Children who start learning foreign languages ​​after the general preschool age (ie 3-4) may have difficulty learning in immersion schools because of their brain development which can inhibit the ability to learn a second language more naturally. Although many parents worry that using two languages ​​will cause confusion for their children. Conversely, the use of two languages ​​in the same conversation has been found as a mastery of both languages ​​(Research quoted from the 2006 report at the Center for Applied Linguistics.)
So, there are many curricula for early childhood education that are good for you to apply, and have a positive effect on children's development in the future.



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