Senin, 06 Mei 2019

Sri Wahyuni 1788203018 (Early Education)


Childhood  is a time when the children are happy to play with their friends. Not only playing but then parents should provide education from childhood to children, one of which is to include children in early childhood education. Early Childhood Education According to the National Education System Law no. 20 of  2003 explained that "Early childhood education is an effort aimed at providing guidance to children from birth to the age of six years through the provision of educational stimuli to help growth and physical and spiritual development so that children have the readiness to enter further education". Whereas according to Suyadi, "Early childhood education is defined as one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation towards physical growth and development (fine and rough motor coordination), intelligence (thinking power, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior and religion) language and communication, in accordance with the uniqueness and developmental stages that are passed by early childhood". By providing education to children from an early age, there are many benefits that can be obtained by children, because at this time character formation in children are shaped and implanted so that children have a strong mentality, good character, and adequate cognitive abilities. Here will be explained the other benefits that will be obtained if the child gets an education early on, there are :
Children who are given education from childhood will be able to develop their vocabulary, this will make children understand the meaning of a word and make it easier for them to talk and interact with others. And can increase cognitive abilities in children. Rand Corporation wrote, "Early education has lasting benefits, showing increases in IQ levels and cognitive abilities “. However, this is a sharp contrast with the opinion of Shonkoff & Philips, 2000 who said that "Early childhood is a very sensitive time to promote their educational potential as a period of rapid growth in cognitive, social, and emotional basic skills in children". This means that early childhood education is not needed because at this time it is a period of growth that is sensitive to early childhood so that it will have a negative impact on children's growth. However, the differences between these two opinions certainly have their own perceptions.
In addition, there are also other opinions which state that "Childhood is the golden period for children, the cognitive, social, and emotional development that occurs will affect health, learning ability and also lifelong behavior" (Basilius). This means that education in the golden period is very important because it will affect the level of children's ability in the future. This agrees with Glen Dolman (expert on the development of children's abilities) which states that "The most rapid development of the growth of the human brain occurs at the age of 0-7 years". This means that it is very good for children to receive early education for the growth of the child's brain so that the brain can work well. Another positive impact of providing early education to children a blog written by Childventures on April 3, 2017, states that "Children who receive a quality education at an early age will be more confident and have a curiosity that makes them perform better when in elementary school ". Of course, this will have a good impact to increase the academic value of children in school. In addition, a study from the Ounce of Prevention Fund shows that "children who do not get quality early education have a 25% greater likelihood of peers dropping out of school and 70% more likely to be detained due to violence". This is because children who drop out of school and do not receive good education early will have the potential to become children who act as they wish and can even do things that are anarchic. Therefore, early childhood education is very important and influences the character of children in the future.
However, in a study written by (Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Geralyn McLaughlin, and Joan Almon) mentioning that, "these instructions can produce long-term hazards, especially in the areas of social and emotional development". The instruction referred to here is to provide academic education to children from an early age and can make children look unhappy compared to children who are free to play. Meanwhile, according to Nobel Laureate James Heckman, an economist from the University of Chicago noted that "One of the most important long-term effects of early childhood education is the development of emotions and children's social abilities". This ability makes a person able to interact effectively, well, and correctly with others.
From a number of expert opinions above, it can be concluded that early childhood education has many benefits for children because at this time it was a golden period for the growth of the brain and physical condition of the child. However, not only has  positive impact, but early education also has a negative impact on children if the education provided is forced so that children become easily tired and dislike of the learning given. Of course, this depends on the portion of learning provided by educators. Therefore educators must be able to provide education that makes children feel happy while studying and does not make children bored and too tired when learning, such as giving games and gifts that can make children happy when studying.


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