Senin, 06 Mei 2019

NELIA GARI.1788203037 (Early Education)

 Early Education for children??
Early education is education that is carried out before starting basic education. Early education is one of the educational programs for early childhood that has a goal so that children can build and improve abilities in the spiritual and physical fields that are in the country. (ECED / EARLY EDUCATION DERAJAT) that which says"this relationship is especially critical between 0-2 years of age of the child begins  to develop its sense of self and establishes an attachment with its parents"Therefore there are several positive impacts of early education for children if this study program is carried out such as; Children will be more polite and caring towards others, Make children smarter and more creative, Children will be the more responsible answer, Children will be more independent and the last Children have a higher sense of cooperation.
First, the positive effects that will be obtained by children if the early education program is implemented, namely children will be someone who is more polite and caring for others. Because early education teaches every child to always be able to maintain the behavior in social relations, thereby reducing criminal acts. As summarized by, (Julia, B, Isaacs, and Emily rose) which states that "most early childhood interventions also have positive impact on children's emotional add behaviors outcomes, including long - term reduction in criminal behavior". In the research of Julian and his friends stated that 'early education is very good because it can educate children morally from an early age so that it can reduce the crime rate that exists in the world'. However, there are some parties who do not heed the early education the program that has been held because they think that 'educating underage children is very difficult to regulate even the teacher does not want to educate them as they have been introduced to, (Peter gray Ph.D.) who say that" many preschool kindergarten teachers have told me that they are extremely upset some to the point of being ready to resign by the increased pressure on them to teach an academic skill to little children and regularly test them on such skill".Even so, this early education needs to be maintained to get a better generation so that the teacher must be able to adjust the way of education to the conditions available.
second positive effects that early education can cause are that children become smarter and more creative based on research conducted by," Georgetown University, eighth graders who attended Oklahoma’s universal pre-K program as 4-year-olds had higher math scores, were more likely to enroll in honor classes and were less likely to repeat a grade than those who did not attend".Based on data provided by (Georgetown), proving that children who change early education will be smarter in choosing children who do not attend early education. This was also announced by, (National Institutes of Health) which contains, "children who participated in an intensive the childhood education program in Chicago from preschool to third grade were more likely to get a college degree than their peers who did not".So students who take early education will be easy or will be faster completing postgraduate education than those who did not attend early education.
Furthermore, early education also influences the level of the ability of children to be more responsible, on assignments given and on things they have done. This is because children will accept the direction given by the teacher so that they will tend to follow the teachings that so that whatever they do will encourage them to be responsible, this is also explained directly by (Childventure) which contains "Improved social skills, Children learn to engage better with other children and adults. The preschool environment allows children to acquire vital skills that allow them to listen to others and express their own ideas, make friends, share, cooperate, and become accountable for their actions".from the data provided shows that early education has a very positive effect on the lives of future children.
fourth of the positive effects that children will get is that children will become more independent. The independent nature of children acquired from early education is due to the fact that children are not dependent on parents when they are left to study at this opportunity the children will try everything is new and will be more interested in doing what they have never done. In the early education program, this will educate children mentally to care for the environment and try to hone their abilities this is also conveyed by children who argue that" Children are inclined to be curious and interested in discovering new things. Quality early childhood programs maximize opportunities for the discovery of new experiences, new environments, and new friends while maintaining a balance with the ability to listen, participate in group tasks, follow directions, and work independently, all of which develop the vital life skill of concentration".However, there are a number of research results (Kelsey piper) which say that early education is not good to run, "On the one hand, there’s a sizable body of research suggesting that kids who go through intensive education at the ages of 3 and 4 don’t really come out ahead in terms of academic abilities. By kindergarten, much of their advantage has receded, and by second-grade researchers typically can’t detect it at all".On the other hand, there’s an equally substantive body of research suggesting that early childhood education produces a profound, lifelong advantage. Kids who enter intensive preschool programs are less likely to be arrested, more likely to graduate, and less likely to struggle with substance abuse as adults,(Kelsey piper)". Therefore this early education program has many positive effects for children so that this program is needed to shape the character of children.
And the last of the positive effects of early education is that children have a higher sense of cooperation. Cooperation is a drive that comes from within someone, if this cooperation is taught to children it will educate them to be able to socialize well because that cooperation can have a good positive effect because the cooperation educates them to help each other dam compact than in this early education program children will get the education. Working together can be with parents, friends or other people as published by, (peace learning center)about"Do chores together starting at an early age. Let your child grow up experiencing the benefits of cooperation. Even 1-year-olds can help set the table and clean up toys. Point out the advantages of cooperating: “Look how fast we set the table. Now we have time to read a book before dinner.” Or “Boy was it fun to wash the car with you. You are a great scrubber! Look how bright and shiny you made our car”.From the description given, it can be concluded that educating children to be able to work together is very helpful for children to be able to grow up and children can feel about the process of cooperation. Working together is not only done with friends but also works with parents. can also educate children to get used to doing things together and children can benefit from cooperation. (Arberore Bicaj) found that"Preschool education, especially institutionalized preschool education, is exceptional for early childhood. In this context, cooperation with the parents is considered vital for children‟s education. Very often, parents are not aware of their fundamental role in their children‟s education and development, through different ways of cooperation".Cooperation with parents is an early education that can help the development of young children who are still relatively young. Therefore, the positive effects of early education are very influential on the condition of children and can provide good results in their social fields.
So early education is education provided for children at an early age that aims to turn children off in spiritual and physical condition so that when children continue their basic education they have got an idea of how the next education process will be. In addition, in early education, this can also, have an effective positive for children which makes them increasingly better in cognitive and non-cognitive life and this program is very good for shaping the character of children so that children are bailed more in the academic and non-academic world.



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