Selasa, 07 Mei 2019

Wella Cisilya Putri 1788203030 (Early education)


Every parent must expect the best way for the future of his child. However, many parents are hesitant and do not understand the importance of education at an early age. What should young people receive an education? Or is it important for early education? regarding whether it is important or not, early education arises various statements regarding this matter. Both things that agree with the early education or reject the existence of early education.
According to Robert Coles wrote, "Our morals are greatly affected by our social environments in the important and influential early years, the environment is largely the parents and immediate family.” as children become socialized and enter schools, more and more of their moral character is open to the influence of peers and society ". From his studies suggest the factors of children moral lives are very rich and begin developing in infancy,  as they learn about good or bad behavior and interactions with others and observing behavior.
According to Bammett, “Experts agree that supporting early childhood education is a win-win for everyone. “It’s not just a cliché that we’re investing in our future”. He says, “These are the people who are going to be paying for our Social Security. These are the people who will be defending our country.”
According to David Elkind wrote, "if parents are able to provide pre-school age education at home, are quite competent and have dedication, in terms of enough time and energy to stimulate children specifically then preschool is actually not important". Why is it not important? Because if the home environment allows children to play with peers and meet adults other than parents. But if the conditions that occur are the opposite, the sign that preschool is important.
Ethridge, who is also a professor at the University of Oklahoma, says that in her state many preschools still have extensive waiting lists. "Because it's' not mandatory, they don't have to provide enough for every child," she says. Children also
The research from early childhood programs finds recent of studies demonstrate that state pre-kindergarten programs have had positive effects on children’s readiness to learn, with large impacts in some states. From the National Head Start, Impact Study finds, released in 2005, provide than previously existed of Head Start’s positive impacts on children. Evaluation of Early Head Start also found a range of small positive impacts on very young children’s cognitive skills, behavior, and health.
In conclusion, no matter the difference of opinion from an expert about formal early education, the benefit from receiving several types of education during the early years of their development to children. However, there is no one size that fits all the instructions that are most suitable for all children. While some children benefit greatly from early education, it may not be the best educational setting for other children. In most cases, children benefit most by receiving educational instructions from their parents. Why this is the instruction of early education? because parents are very important to evaluate the child's unique personality before determining which program is most suitable for children because not all programs benefit the child in the same way.


8.Elkind,D. 2005. Response to Objectivism and Education: The Educational Forum 69(4) 328-334
9.Department for Education (2011) The National Strategies 1997–2011 A brief Summary of the       Impact and Effectiveness of the National Strategies, London: HMSO. [Ref: 00032-2011PDF-EN-01]

10.The science of early childhood development. Washington, DC: National Academies 

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