Selasa, 07 Mei 2019

Siska Pradina 1788203017 (Early Education)

Why Do Children Have to Get Early Education?
The National Association for the Education of Young Children External link (NAEYC) defines “early childhood” that is happened before the age of eight, and during this period a child goes through the fastest phase of growth and development. so these years are very important to develop their abilities. That’s why, early childhood must get education so they can develop their skills and shape morals for future provisions. Providing the best education in childhood will make their future more organized. So, why do children have to get early education? Of course! Because early childhood education has so many benefits, and the essential benefits of early childhood education are will be easier to save new information, have better performance in grade school, more enthusiasm for lifelong learning, will have good cooperation early, and have more confidence and self-esteem.
Early childhood has thoughts that are still pure and have not been mixed with thoughts like adults. That way, children will find it easier to receive new information obtained from their surroundings. This is what should be an opportunity for parents to put their children on school at an early age. Dr. Jiemi wrote that at an early age, children should not know school. Children should enjoy playing time, and the best playground is their parents. Dr. Jiemi also said, parents should not prioritize the ego in order to have children who are considered intelligent because they have mastered reading, writing, and counting at an early age. But Vicki Palmer wrote that President Obama agreed in his 2013 State of the Union address. The study reaches the same conclusion that is early childhood education has a tremendous impact on life outcomes. 51% of 3-and-4 year olds in the US are enrolled in full-day preprimary programs, with no improvement in the last 15 years. In the right ways, parents can send their children to get school early, because their age is the age of gold that must be filled with education that is beneficial for the long term.
The second benefit is that early childhood will have better performance in grade school, why? Because the child has received a pre-school education that will make him ready and mature to face in grade school lessons. A study from the Ounce of Prevention Fund shows that "children who do not get quality early education will have a 25% greater chance of dropping out of school and 70% more likely to be arrested for violence". This shows that it is important for a child to attend preschool education so that the child has a solid foundation and is better prepared to face the school period. In terms of education and skills, children who attend preschool education will have more talent than children who do not attend preschool education.
The third is more enthusiasm for lifelong learning, when teaching staff for children of Paud provide fun education and use the right methods when teaching, it will make children become eager to learn and increasingly curious and want to explore the lessons given by the teacher. Tracey Clayton writes that developing enthusiasm for lifelong learning starts early, when motivation, learning and training are carried out early will make children have enthusiasm to prioritize education in the long term. In fact, some child education experts believe that preschool education programs are made like fun kindergartens, so that early childhood can feel happy to learn and pursue knowledge so they can create a solid foundation for the future of children.
Furthermore, when children attend preschool education they will have good cooperation early. Vicki Palmer wrote, "Children who take preschool learning will be easy to cooperate with or interact with the environment." Because of what, when they are preschoolers, children will be taught how to share, work together, and learn to queue which has been guided by professional educators. This will make children trained to work together early on, so that when they are in elementary school, they are trained and will be easy to adjust to the environment.
Finally, children will have more confidence and self-esteem. Why is that? Because, the existence of early childhood education will have a good effect on children's confidence. There, children will be taught how to train their confidence to appear in public. This is very important for their lives going forward, as written by Vicky Palmer (2015) that positive interactions between children and teachers, or one child with another will make a positive view between them and create a comfortable atmosphere, this will make they are more confident and brave to face problems that will occur in the future.
So the conclusion is that early childhood education is very important, because there are many benefits that will be felt by children. Not only during childhood, but also useful for the future. Learning and forming children's character must start early, which is very important. But that does not mean children cannot play, there is still time to play for them, but more emphasis on learning while playing. Or fun learning like playing a game.


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