Senin, 27 Mei 2019

Indah Karina Sianturi - 1788203064 (Early Childhood Education Essay)

What is the Importance of Early Childhood Education?

            Early childhood education is an education that preparing children before go to elementary school. Early childhood education offered for children under six years old through various types of media and methods. Institutionally, early childhood education that already exist in Indonesia is a package in the form of Kindergarten and Playgroup but people can do it independently. Early Childhood Education (ECE) aims to help the cognitive and social development of preschool children before they enter the elementary school. At an early age of 0-6 years the brain develops extremely fast up to 80%. At that age the brain receives and absorbs various kind of information, does not see good and bad. Those are the times when children’s physical, mental and spiritual development will begin to form. Because of this, many people said that this kind of period called the golden age.
            Based on the result of the study, around 50% of the intelligence of adults has occurred when a child is 4 years old, 80% has developed rapidly about brain cell when the child is 8 years old and reaches its peak when the child is 18 years old, and after that despite improvements in nutrition will not affect cognitive development. According to Byrnes, early childhood education will provide preparation for children to face the future, the closest is facing school. “At the present, some kindergartens have asked students who want to register there to be able to read and count. In kindergarten, children had begun to be taught social skills and problem solving. Because those abilities can be formed from an early age” explained Byrnes.   
            Then according to Byrnes also, that early childhood education is important, because it is at the age that children form the best education. It is at this age that children must form their readiness to face school and the future. And this is also the best investment that can be given to children is educational preparation at an early age. Indeed, it cannot be denied that early childhood education is a very basic and strategic education in the development of human resources. Once the importance of education is not surprising that many countries pay enormous attention to the implementation of this education until the Indonesian government also provides free education services up to the junior high level. Therefore, early childhood education is very important for Indonesian children in the future.
            A lot of psychological flow talk about the importance of self-esteem or humanism self-esteem, especially Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Rogers divide the concept of self into three parts, namely : (1) self-ideal, (2) self-image, and (3) self-esteem. Self-image is perception that we are against ourselves. Whereas assessment against ourselves, good-bad, smart-stupid this is called self-esteem. People who have self-esteem optimal is called self-ideal. High and low self-esteem depending on the ideal distance between yourself (ideal self) and self-image. If long, low self-esteem. But if the distance is short the pride is high (Musbikin,2004 : 96)
            Harter in Papalia (2009:383) say that as well as self-concept, self-esteem in the early childhood tends to be all or nothing; ‘I’m good’ or ‘I’m bad’. Only in middle childhood can a personal evaluation of competence and ability based on internalizing a child’s parent or social standard become important in shaping or maintaining a feeling of self-worth. In some literature, the term of self-perception is also used which is a collection of beliefs and feelings that children have towards themselves. This assessment is very influential on the emotional development, behaviour and adaptation of children in the social environment. Children usually judge themselves in a simple form, for example “I can wear my own clothes already” or “I have many friends”. How high self-esteem of children is very influential in the preschool period where they begin to learn to learn new things.  
            Self-esteem is a continuous process. Self-esteem that has been formed at an early age will have a very significant influence on the behaviour of children’s lives in the future. Real steps and the use of appropriate strategies need to be done by the teacher and the school in order to pour out the development of children’s self-esteem in the process learning. It must be realized that the growth of respect their children for oneself is inseparable from how other people respect their children. So the important is the development of self-esteem for each individual, it is necessary to have synergic cooperation between teachers in schools and parents.

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